Sorry guys. It's very much like V2 with some minor adder tweaks, but as of right now, we're not publishing it. One step at a time ...
Sorry guys. It's very much like V2 with some minor adder tweaks, but as of right now, we're not publishing it. One step at a time ...
Well, all I can tell you is we technically did not have a process to publish until just now.
I am speaking for myself but my initial position is I would vote to publish. That doesn't mean the ITAC will recommend that, or that those who have some concerns about publishing are hiding anything.
We'll consider the letter I am sure and try to get something one way or the other in Fastrack in the next several months.
Thanks Marty.
Marty Doane,
Your letter has been reviewed by the Club Racing Board. The response will be in an upcoming Fastrack. Your letter details are below:
Letter #2633
Title: IT Rule Change Feedback
Request: I am writing in partial support of the proposed Improved Touring rule change allowing changes to the weights of existing car classifications. However I am concerned about some aspects of this proposed change.
I have been a supporter of "The Process", and have written in the past in support of it. I believe that prior to last year's event that led to mass ITAC resignations, the ITAC was very close to formalizing a very good system. I was dismayed when the train ran off the tracks.
I believe it is essential to formalize the process that is used to set weights in IT. The key elements of that process should be:
Concerns that I have about the recommended rule change:
- Weights are set based on objective calculations from physical attributes of the car.
- Exceptions from standard calculations are allowed, but must be based on physical evidence that the car does not match the standard assumptions.
- On-track performance should only be used to trigger a study of the physical attributes of the car, not as a direct factor in setting the weight.
- The calculations and assumptions used to set an individual car's weight should be fully documented. Any evidence used to support non-standard calculations should be fully documented.
- Each action taken by the ITAC should be based on a vote of confidence. The results of that vote should be documented, including individual members' votes.
- The process should be published, including the standard calculations.
- The calculations for individual cars should be published. Evidence
used to support exceptions from standard assumptions may be kept private, but should be retained by the ITAC.- The votes of the ITAC should be published.
- The CRB should not set a weight different than recommended by the ITAC. If the CRB cannot accept the ITAC recommendation, it should send it back to the ITAC.
Club Racing Board
- It appears that racing history may be used as a factor in adjusting a car's weight. It should only be used as a trigger to re-evaluate the physical attributes of the car.
- Displacement is listed as a factor. With the restricted modifications allowed in IT, this is much less significant than other factors in determining performance potential.
- There is no mandate for recorded documentation nor for transparency (publication).
Thank you,
Marty Doane,
Your letter has been reviewed by the CRB and the response will be in the October FasTrack. The FasTrack will be posted on the SCCA website on the 20th of this month.
Here is the link to the Fastrack:
Club Racing Board
Smokin letter Marty!
Didn't the Rabbit GTI lose 100lbs 4 years ago?
Marty:Apparently you already did consider it. Here's my letter:
Then six weeks ago I got this email:
It was not listed in the October nor the November Fastrack.
I think the disconnect on the VW's has always been the hp potential in IT trim. IIRC, Chris Albin was always using 100whp for the MK1, hence it's weight.
Bill knows this but for everyone else - 25% is used when nothing is known about the power output. If there is solid data on whp and someone is willing to stick there nuts on the line to support it, it goes through.
I just mentioned the timing of the GTI adjustment, because I thought that makes it ineligible for another look right now.