Think anybody would notice if I put my all aluminum LS1 in the Camaro???
I looked at the V6 Mustang too - light at 2670 and found a good one for only $5K with 60K miles but I would melt those crappy brakes off the car. I can see the pads catching on fire as I roll in for tire temps. Best HP might be 190 stock to 230 on a good day. Don't see that car doing so great unless its cheatered up good (cheap car to cheater up so keep an eye on those rednecks.)
I'm still looking Porsche - 968 is now my class pick and if I get out there early I might win some races before people develop the heck out of their cars to match HP.
PS - I need somebody with a hot girlfriend or wife to go distract the guys at sound while big bore is out at LRP. My car is blowing 107 and I need those guys busy oogling, not watching sound meters! C'mon need some help here!
I even sent in a respectful request to move sound OUTSIDE the friggin track where its supposed to be - any bets they accomodate me???
the 968 is a good pick. Look at the 944 cup site NASA and place "I want one" there. seen one there a year ago for 6k. Lots of info and parts for sale too. Ask Dave or John Brown to help locate one for you. They will be glad to help as the car can run in the cup with them as well. hope this helps. Lawrence