Jeff Poor Memorial at Lime Rock


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Doug webmaster Photography
I just checked the 10 day forecast for Lakeville and do not see rain on it at all.

Can't wait to try out the Hoosiers!

Dave Gran
'87 Honda Prelude si
Car counts down almost 20%!! 187 Vs. 227 last year.

Last year entry fee = $220 * 227 entries = $49,940
This year entry fee = $260 * 187 entries = $48,620

I would conclude that the higher $ for entries is not making up for the higher track rates. I hope someone is showing this to LRP so we can lower the fees in the future! I liked racing at LRP.

Interesting to note that:
SSM gained 2 more entries and SSM gained 3 more entries over last year. The Class is still growing!
ITA, ITB, FV, EP, FP, GT3 make up for the 20% decline in Entires. Make your own judgments on why but I know for me it's the $260.00 in track time for 30-40 min of track time!

PS: Car counts where up at NHIS.


[This message has been edited by RSTPerformance (edited May 05, 2005).]
Not to beat a dead horse, but we won't know the counts until after the event. The on-line is notoriously incorrect (easy to "register" and not run). To begin with, I think we see at least 10-20% decline in entries between the two. And of the ITA list, I can probably erase 3 of the 22 listed (Ray, Anthony....and take a pick of the rest).
<font face=\"Verdana, Arial\" size=\"2\">$260.00 in track time for 30-40 min of track time</font>

Stephen, factor in the higher fuel costs for the tow vehicle, etc. and it costs even more to run there (and everywhere else) this year. I, for one, don't even look at LRP dates for races, even though it's the 2nd closest track to me (3H15M tow). Costs way too much for what you get. Hard to justify it, when I can go to a Summit Point MARRS race and get almost twice the track time for $75-$100 less. Even w/ the increased tow (4H45M), it's still less out of pocket, never mind the additional track time. I don't understand why the drivers up there don't vote w/ their checkbooks.

MARRS #25 ITB Rabbit GTI (sold) | MARRS #25 HProd Rabbit
SCCA 279608
LRP has jacked up fees for test and tune dates also - paid $250 this last Tuesday. I remember is being something like $125-175.

But you get your moneys worth - all the track time you can eat!

$260 for a qualify/race that gives a total of 50 minutes is not going to last - if there's a chance of rain, count me out. You know you'll spend all that money making laps under yellow.
Exactly my point guys!! it is $260 for 20 min qualifying which starts when the First car starts to move out of grid... not the last car on track so that guy is screwed. Then the race is 15 laps or 20 min. Since even the ITC cars are doing 1:05's that's about 16 min of real track time. Total the avg. person will get between 30-35 laps on a 1.5 mile circuit.

I am voting with my checkbook! I have never missed a Regional at LRP in over 5 years (since I started racing) and my family has been at least 2 times a summer since 1984.... over 20 years. this year nothing note one visit planned.

To Bills point.... I was planning on VIR this weekend. I am from NH which means 3.5 Hrs to LRP or 13 HRS to VIR. VIR IS STILL CHEAPER PER MINUTE OR PER MILE TO RUN!! It's 3 days and it is on a 4.3 mile course with over 33 turns!! LRP just doesn't understand anymore.

Anyone want to give a re-cap for ITS and ITA, any track record broken?
Let me thank and congratulate the workers who put on a first-rate school and Regional. We had five (count 'em!) renters during the school and another three for the race, and they all reported terrific experiences. I believe the region's efforts to become more customer-friendly are truly bearing fruit. Bravo NER!

Steve U
05 ITS
Flatout Motorsports
Thanks Doug!

Nice Job Fred, Glad Your fealing better.

Steve U, you are sooo right. When I first started racing a few years back, NER clearly had "issues", but things are dramatically better. I have to congratulate the efforts as well. Thanks to all involved!
Steve was this you or a customer?


btw~ all the results should be online by Tues I'd think

[This message has been edited by 16v (edited May 08, 2005).]
The green 05 was definatley pushing the limits, as I saw a few long front lockups going into Big Bend a few times..

The ITA race had interesting developments, one being "the big one" where one car took a bunch off track in the left hander, and an 'interesting run' up from the back by Serra in a car that never turned a wheel.

But in IT land, the race of the day was the ITB throw down between former ITA driver Dave Gran and ITB driver Travis Washay in Scott Curries old Rabbit/Golf. Travis made a DEEP late dive into Big Bend, there was rubbin', and Travis bounced into the lead as Dave went off the outside. Damage was present, but in the end, Dave showed he can race hard, recovered for a fine second place, and that the car seems well suited to ITB...maybe too well suited, eh Dave?

Jake Gulick
CarriageHouse Motorsports
ITA 57 RX-7
New England Region
[email protected]
Originally posted by 16v:

btw~ all the results should be online by Tues I'd think

I love!!! All the results are already posted!!

Looks like some great racing. Being an ITB guy I can say those times are very fast!! top 5 all at 105.1 or faster in Qual. Those are impressive considering the 4's where rare for many people other than a select few. I can remember 2 years ago at this same event I won by over 1/2 a lap and my fast time was probably low 105!! Looks Like I chose a bad year to leave and go explore other tracks. The competition looks tough!!


PS what happened to Paul C it looks like he has damage in one of the photo's and in the first lap he dropped form 7th overall to almost last??