Jeff Poor Memorial at Lime Rock

Jeeeez are EVERYWHERE! And, take this as a compliment, I never notice you...which is the mark of a pro photographer.

Jake Gulick
CarriageHouse Motorsports
ITA 57 RX-7
New England Region
[email protected]
Originally posted by RSTPerformance:
I love!!! All the results are already posted!!

you all need to give big thanks to Denise Patten. She uploads all the info and normally sends me an email on Monday mornings to say it's ready. Since this event was on a Sat you get the results a little early

Photos are also online

ps- Jake, I'm far from a Pro but I know where to be to find the important people :P

Doug webmaster Photography

[This message has been edited by 16v (edited May 08, 2005).]
Originally posted by 16v:

Photos are also online

Doug once again you have out done yourself. I'm glad you got my crazy ride off the down hill. My incar battery died. I still can't believe I didn't nail the tires. Now the race was a diferent story. Got hit twice once on the first lap in the left hander and the second time got taken out by a miata coming out off bigbend. What a lovely first race of the year. :)
That was me in the green 05 with 4 wheels in the dirt in the Downhill. I did it once in qual, and enjoyed it so much that I did it again in the race.

Steve U
05 ITS
Flatout Motorsports
Originally posted by ulfelder:
I did it once in qual, and enjoyed it so much that I did it again in the race.

"maybe too well suited"... Ah, you’re just lucky I can’t race you for the upcoming ITA Lite cup. Seeing Paul in his Volvo do a 1.04.423 in qualifying was very impressive especially with the track being pretty cold! That was a quick wake-up of just how much more improvement I still have to do. But it was a blast running in a class where my car can be competitive and get a "Lyme" Rock Park trophy.

For the – is there a way to see the actual times versus the graph configuration?

Dave Gran
'87 Honda Prelude si
Dave I think you need to register with them, then log in to see all the individual data
Originally posted by lateapex911:
Dave showed he can race hard, recovered for a fine second place, and that the car seems well suited to ITB...maybe too well suited, eh Dave?

I jokingly asked Dave who he scammed to get his car in ITA. I thought he was going to HIT me!!

Nice job Dave. It's great that we have Audi's, Volvos, VW AND Honda's that can win a race!!

Jeff L
#74 ITB GTi
Too funny Jeff. O.k. I’ll confess. My wife’s cousin’s brother-in-law’s friend’s ex-husband’s mother-in-law’s sister’s friend’s father’s nephew knows someone who knows someone else who knows someone who is on the board.

ITA Lite? I don’t want to steal the thunder about the new and upcoming spotlight series up here in the North East. Jakes?

Dave Gran
'87 Honda Prelude si
Originally posted by lateapex911:

But in IT land, the race of the day was the ITB throw down between former ITA driver Dave Gran and ITB driver Travis Washay in Scott Curries old Rabbit/Golf. Travis made a DEEP late dive into Big Bend, there was rubbin', and Travis bounced into the lead as Dave went off the outside. Damage was present, but in the end, Dave showed he can race hard, recovered for a fine second place, and that the car seems well suited to ITB...maybe too well suited, eh Dave?

Scott and I raced against each other years ago w/ EMRA, when he had his white Rabbit GTI. Man, that was a blast from the past!

MARRS #25 ITB Rabbit GTI (sold) | MARRS #25 HProd Rabbit
SCCA 279608
Jeff, I tagged Paul on Lap 1, headed out onto No Name, when someone up ahead got loose and a bunch of us accordioned up. He went off and his right front hit the tire wall. Naturally I feel bad about it (and told him so immediately after the race).

Steve U
05 ITS
Flatout Motorsports