I wish I'd recorded some sounds or video. Basically it doesn't sound a lot different from other 4 pots, but it does like RPM better than say a Miata or 240sx four pot. Let me get some work done to it and we'll try again, this time with some sound.
Add 4 quarts of oil to box, poke holes in box, and stand near open bon fire. This will give you the feeling of emminent fire that comes along with driving/dynoing the Jensen.
Once you've done that it is basically like you were there.
Well we're back on track with a improved JH. Brake ducts, blue printed dizzy (spark scatter seems to be gone), re-tuned carb, timing adjusted up pretty good, and we've a much better running car. I've added some gauges to the dash such as EGTs, fuel pressure, adjustable timing control, 20 psi oil warning light, and also installed a Traqmate in hopes of actually using it this year!!! Things are moving along!