regarding the requirement of timed exits, whether it is good or bad, from the NASA CCR:
"16.2.2 Emergency Exit Time
The car must be setup to allow drivers to exit the car quickly in an emergency. Drivers
will be tested from time to time to ensure that they can meet the specified time for exiting
the car in the event of an emergency. The driver must demonstrate the ability to exit
their car within ten (10) seconds by opening the door (for cars with doors) or formula /
sports racers, and within fifteen (15) seconds by way of the window opening for sedans.
Drivers must be wearing all of their required driver’s gear and be tightly belted into the
driver’s seat when the clock starts. Anyone that fails this test may be penalized with
penalties ranging from a fifty ($50) dollar fine to exclusion from participation until
corrections are made."
i have releases top and bottom and hope i never have to use them. will have to look at a way to release the right side triangle net when i add that in case i need to crawl out the passenger side.