Just wondering.....

"You always here the arguement in NJ that self-serve will lower the gas prices. I just made a trip to Westchester (PA) the other day, & didn't find one station that wasn't at least $0.15/gallon more than the local station I buy at here in NJ."

Unfortunately, due to differences in city, county & state gas taxes, that is not a true apples to apples comparison. The small town I live in was losing gas sales (& tax $$$) due to the lower price of gas in the next county (just a few miles up the road). So, in their infinite wisdom (???), our elected officials raised the local gas tax to "compensate" for the lack of sales at the pump. Ya gotta love it!!! :dead_horse:

Just saw $2.56 this morning. That's $0.25 better than anything we were paying here in central FL for the past few months. I know we haven't caught some of you yet but there is still hope.

Maybe if we make FL a union state, and force companies to hire newbies to pump our gas so Grandma doesn't have to get out in the sunshine, we'll be down to $2.25 in no time! ;)
Old Guy,

Apparently your elected officials never reviewed the successes of John Kennedy, Ronald Reagan, and others who reduced the tax RATE to increase the tax REVENUE. If you choose not to learn from history, you are doomed to repeat it.

Update Denver - Regular Unleaded, $2.79 - $2.89. Some lame a$$ excuse about a diesel fuel shortage in Colorado a couple of months ago. Pipeline from TX/OK being used to pump diesel into Colorado now to restock us and not being used for gasoline. Refineries in CO apparently can't make enough gasoline to supply the Americans and immigrants(CA and otherwise), therefore we need to import gasoline from a foreign region (ever hear those yokels talk?). If we could just deport the foreigners (CA and ...), we would have enough gasoline in CO. Oh yeah, while we're at it, lets deport the NIMBY environmentalists who put ridiculous restrictions on drilling our own oil and building highly efficient, updated refineries.

Gasoline recently spotted in KS for $2.18 and central OH for $2.21.

Trip through NM, AZ, CA, NV, UT last month saw a high of $3.19 in LA while it was $3.05 in Denver. (Crossed into CA under false pretenses. Just told them I was Gerry Brown and Diane Feinstein's love child from Berkeley.)

Saw $2.56 for Regular over the weekend, here in NJ. But, it seems that diesel is taking a beating again. Same station had diesel for $2.86 (Premium was $2.81).

I don't understand that one, why gas and diesel don't move in the same direction, at the same time.
***I don't understand that one, why gas and diesel don't move in the same direction, at the same time.***

It all has to due with demand & nothing to do with supply.

In Southeast Wisconsin gas has droped from $3.35 to $2.65 in less than 30 days.
Paid $2.35 today for regular with an additional $0.02per gallon off if you paid cash so $2.33 Yeah.
However Diesel is still over $3.00 I just dont understand it. :bash_1_:
Saturday night, I had to stop off at work (Dublin - North West Columbus) on the way home from Mid-Ohio. Car is on half a tank, when the Crew Chief shouts out "$2.14!!!!!". Filled up before getting back on the road!!!!.
Most of you who came to NHIS for Cheap Date saw gas prices at the track at $2.59 and $2.56. Well, at those same two gas stations yesterday gas prices plummetted to $2.48 and this is with all the NASCAR folks in town. There is a station on Route 4 in Chichester that went from $2.59 to $2.42 in one day! :cavallo: Heha!!!

Does anyone know what the gas prices are in Lee, Barrington, and Stockbridge, MA? I'm trying to plan my budget for LRP.
There are respected voices - see below - starting to rattle sabres that oil prices may plunge. It's a naturally-occuring cycle when prices are artifically high (as they have been all summer). While I won't go so far as to predict $15/bbl oil, I have personally been on record stating I believe the "true" price of oil should be around the mid-40s...

Here in Loudon with all the NASCAR people here, gas dropped .08 a gallon to 2.48 at the south side of the track and today dropped another .06 to 2.42 after all the people had left. Heha!!!! I like this. Now if heating oil would drop in the same manner.

Since no one wrote further, I'm updating this same reply. Another .15 a gallon drop as of today...Tuesday. That's a .28 drop in a matter of 24 hours!
PRICE BREAKTHROUGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Today!!!! Grove City, OH (just south of Columbus) $1.98!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We're still at 2.31 here in Loudon.....Where's that 1.98??????

Greenville, SC (according to my bro-in-law this afternoon)

I dropped my truck off to the dealer this morning for service about 3 miles from home. The local price leader (an independent) was $2.33 on the way there @ 9am......and $2.29 at noon on the way home!!!!

Fillerup, please! :023:
Hmmm, gas prices here in the Valley of the Sun are still running in the $2.30+ range for 87. The good news is we don't have to worry about heating oil prices :D
Gas prices are quickly getting down to the $2.00 mark around here. HEHA! :D Figure by the time we leave for LRP for the NARRC offs, it'll be there or below!!!!
Paid $2.15 last week at my usual station (which happens to be the lowest priced around). Just went back through the earlier posts, and saw that they were $2.56 less than a month ago. Let's hope this trend continues. It was <$25 to fill my car up last week. That's the lowest it's been in a looonnnggg time.