Lime Rock - what are they preparing for?

Thanks Jake, that is a great summary of Lime Rock ("LR") history. I wonder if there's any way to race on Sundays at a further reduced sound level, or if it's more a matter of the church and/or community opposing the additional traffic to/from the track on those days? Just a thought, but electric car races that I've seen elsewhere have been extremely quiet (no intake or exhaust noise) :)

Dave, I didn't understand the details before, but it sounds now like there was mutual benefit to both Skip Barber ("SB") and LR. The benefit to LR was apparently not in the form of subsidy, but perhaps in the form of a minimum guaranteed income. Doesn't SB mostly use weekdays? If so, I would guess that those dates would not normally be (or previously were not) all booked or salable at full price.

EDIT: Just saw Jake's last post. So, do we think that the dates used by SB could ALL be sold at a higher price, or just a few of them? For the track, more filled dates may be more valuable than a higher price for just a few dates. Also, it was my impression when I worked for SB in '94 that they didn't seem to need as much track support as club dates required.
If Skip Barber Racing closed their doors today, then some of the near term days might not get rented out, because no-one would be ready to jump on those days on such short notice.

But I'd bet that anything more than a month and a half away would be taken. Next year it would be just as full as today.

By comparison, weekdays at NHIS are fully booked as well, and there are often events on the track, using M and J lots, and out in Frontier Land, all at the same time. I have seen days where there were actually 4 different groups using various parts of the track at the same time.
maybe the money is to pay for the Track Record? Just got the new, full size, full color edition in the mail today.
Not to add fuel to the fire... OK maybe I am, but looking at the current car count the LRP race weekend will be a rather large loss...

Currently only 122 registered according to the website.
I think you will see more than an average amount of 'write-ins'. This event required mailing the payment in by the 10th so pre-registering on the web wasn't really neccessary because you were mailing anyway.

$399 is a lot of money but if you want to get 2 races in at LRP this year, you can't do it ANY cheaper. It's a DOUBLE!