Lime Rock...who's going ?

I was the Miata right behind you and Karl, I don't know what he was thinking. You had just cought and passed us a few laps earlier. I am not sure how he got that run on you going down the main straight, but there was no way he was going to make the pass. He locked up and hit you. Makes no sense to race out of class, there were no miata's in front of you. I personally enjoyed the mix of classes.


You drove a good race in you #22 SSM. I also enjoyed raicng with the SSM group. John and I are used to being slower when we run with ITA. When we have guys racing for position I always make room for them to race. I thought it was a very stupid and unsafe move for Karl, Sr to dive bomb me in Big Bend and take me out for no real gain in class. I've heard off line that this guy is not a safe driver and the individual was suprised that Karl wasn't on his roof again. Then his son, Karls, Jr jumps into our conversation and claims his video would prove that I chopped his fathers nose. I'd like to see the feed now - as my video shows enough room for a "tow rig" to run a low line. I am trying to write/file a formal letter with the powers to be and put this guy on notice - we'll see.

Tim Klvana
2002 NERRC Champion
2003 NARRC Champion
Originally posted by dazzlesa@Aug 8 2005, 03:01 PM
sorry jeremy. you are not classified as a slower car and you spanked everybody to take the pole. fix that damn thing! thats 2 races in a row that you made my life easier.
anthony and rich were coming like there lives depended on it.

I'm working on it...... :bash_1_:

Just need a bigger hammer.

As my 4 yr old keeps saying "I have to kick Richie's but".
Originally posted by 7racing@Aug 9 2005, 09:39 AM
I'm working on it......  :bash_1_:

Just need a bigger hammer.

As my 4 yr old keeps saying "I have to kick Richie's but".

Funny, I swore I heard him say, "Richie kicked your butt Dad..."

Originally posted by 16v@Aug 2 2005, 01:33 AM
Originally posted by Bill Miller:

Smartest decision I've heard yet.  Spend less for the Labor Day dbl at Summit than a 1 day race (w/ what, 30 min. of track time?) at LRP.

will you be racing Bill?

Unfortunately Doug, there's no funding for racing this year. :(


It's an absolute hoot. And don't let the paddock stories scare you. At least you won't pay $7 for a cheeseburger! Early Fall in WV is a nice time. Lots of fun people, lots of neat cars, lots of good racing. And while it's no Laguna Seca, Summit Point does have 3x the number of left-hand turns that LRP has! :023:

As far as the cost issue, it's 2 races at SP for the price of one race at LRP. So if you think about it, the travel time/expense is almost a wash.
Originally posted by Bill Miller's 2 races at SP for the price of one race at LRP.  So if you think about it, the travel time/expense is almost a wash.

To a degree, Bill, that's true, especially if you live halfway between the two like you do.

However, in my case, it's not that easy. LRP is an hour and fifteen away from me, about 70miles. SP is about 400 miles if we take the short route, but we don't because it goes through NYC; actual mileage is closer to 430 miles. On top of that, at LRP I drive home each night and have dinner there; at SP I have to rent a hotel and eat out.

Time off work is a wash, as I need a travel day to go to SP but I've got to be at LRP on Fridays. LRP, however, is an advantage in soft costs as I have Sunday off, yet with SP I get home at Oh-Dark-Thirty.

All told, between mileage (at 8mpg towing), hotels, and food, an event at SP costs me about $300 more than one at LRP.

I would agree that track time is a better value at SP than LRP, especially given the increasing number of groups and the reduction in length of sessions and races. Further, I prefer driving SP versus LRP.

However, to imply that it 'costs less to run SP than LRP' is a bit misleading... GA
Originally posted by GregAmy+Aug 10 2005, 01:55 PM-->
<!--QuoteBegin-Bill Miller's 2 races at SP for the price of one race at LRP.  So if you think about it, the travel time/expense is almost a wash.

To a degree, Bill, that's true, especially if you live halfway between the two like you do.

However, in my case, it's not that easy. LRP is an hour and fifteen away from me, about 70miles. SP is about 400 miles if we take the short route, but we don't because it goes through NYC; actual mileage is closer to 430 miles. On top of that, at LRP I drive home each night and have dinner there; at SP I have to rent a hotel and eat out.

Time off work is a wash, as I need a travel day to go to SP but I've got to be at LRP on Fridays. LRP, however, is an advantage in soft costs as I have Sunday off, yet with SP I get home at Oh-Dark-Thirty.

All told, between mileage (at 8mpg towing), hotels, and food, an event at SP costs me about $300 more than one at LRP.

I would agree that track time is a better value at SP than LRP, especially given the increasing number of groups and the reduction in length of sessions and races. Further, I prefer driving SP versus LRP.

However, to imply that it 'costs less to run SP than LRP' is a bit misleading... GA


It's about 100 miles difference for me, so 300 RT for LRP vs. 500 RT for SP. You're 280 RT for LRP vs. 860 RT for SP. But, what you have to look at, is cost per race. You're closer to 600 RT for 2 races at vs. 860 for 2 races at SP. Still farther, but not as much. Granted food and lodging costs will be more, if you stay at a hotel, and eat out. For me, it's a wash, as I'd have to do it at either place. Probably cost me more to stay at LRP, as the camping opportunities aren't as good. At SP, we stay at the track for free. If you add the 2nd entry in at LRP, it makes it much closer to a wash. Getting more track time for your dollar is where I see the real value. There's no question that it would cost more for you to run a single at SP than a single at LRP, but when you're talking a double at SP, vs. 2 singles at LRP, costs are close, and you're probably getting more seat time / dollar at SP.