I was the Miata right behind you and Karl, I don't know what he was thinking. You had just cought and passed us a few laps earlier. I am not sure how he got that run on you going down the main straight, but there was no way he was going to make the pass. He locked up and hit you. Makes no sense to race out of class, there were no miata's in front of you. I personally enjoyed the mix of classes.
You drove a good race in you #22 SSM. I also enjoyed raicng with the SSM group. John and I are used to being slower when we run with ITA. When we have guys racing for position I always make room for them to race. I thought it was a very stupid and unsafe move for Karl, Sr to dive bomb me in Big Bend and take me out for no real gain in class. I've heard off line that this guy is not a safe driver and the individual was suprised that Karl wasn't on his roof again. Then his son, Karls, Jr jumps into our conversation and claims his video would prove that I chopped his fathers nose. I'd like to see the feed now - as my video shows enough room for a "tow rig" to run a low line. I am trying to write/file a formal letter with the powers to be and put this guy on notice - we'll see.
Tim Klvana
2002 NERRC Champion
2003 NARRC Champion