Looking for axles

Rick and 16VWRacer and I guess others...-

I havn't got all my answers

Who are you, what class do you run, and what region are you in? Ok we got that answer, so we know you are not cheating!!!

How many other VW drivers are shortning their axles? I have herd many other people talk about doing this, so I wonder how many fully prepped IT cars run these.

How do you go about shortening them? I am just wondering how this is done... not that I could ever afford it or would ever do it, or even need to do it, but I just want to expand my knowledge base cause I don't get it...

How do you justify its legality? For those IT drivers who do run IT whats your justification? Cost savings for not having to constantly replace Axles?


I don't know the answer to how many IT VW's are shortening their axles. It is said to be needed to avoid puncturing the trans seal and in some cases actually breaking the axle.

Considering that shortened axles are sold by two of the main VW race prep shops on the right coast, I suspect that you'll find a bunch if you go a searching.

I never had or ran shortened axles even though I was warned of the damage I would see. I ran my car at many differing ride heights, some very low(as Greg said it never worked well), and never punctured the seal or broke an axle/CV. Maybe I got lucky. They were just remans and before I sold the car in '01, they had approx 44 race weeeknds or around 100 hours.

As far as how. The shortening, as I understand it, takes place at the most inner end of the axle that can come into contact with the trans seal.

Well I had a long reply to all the questions on this thread but must of been in such a haste, I put in the wrong pass word and it erased it so here is the short version:

Sorry I started such a fire storm.

There are a number of builders selling "shortened" axles on both coasts, call, write, e-mail, hell send up smoke signals on the legality of them. I use them legaly so I do not damage the flange cap seals.

I race ICSCC here in the Pacific NW. It is a spin off of SCCA a lot like NASA.

My rule book is found at: http://www.icscc.com/rules/Cr2004.pdf
Start at 1402 for Production
Start at 1310 for Radial Sedan

As Rick pointed out SCCA IT is almost non-exsistant here where ICSCC (confrence) has 34 ITA cars (SCCA legal ITA) and 8 of them ran all 12 races last year.

LOBRO/GKN does not sell aftermarket axle sets in the USA for the A2. This information comes from LOBRO/GKN Gmbh.

Lastly I wasn't expecting to get the rise I did from this. Please use some judgement before you start making assumption. Just because somebody is running something different (including rules) doesn't mean we can't all learn from each other to help put the VW back in front of the Honda's

Rick: as for the "HondaJon" nick name, stick it in the tail pipe of that red roach you drive, I will never cross over to the dark side of the rising sun...unless a killer deal coes on a 1.8 Miata, but that is Mazda, owned by Ford, so it is OK in my world.


[This message has been edited by Marzracing (edited January 09, 2005).]
Hey, look, it's an IT board. Since you didn't specify, assuming that you're describing an IT car is the only logical thing to do (duh).

Mea culpa.


[This message has been edited by GregAmy (edited January 10, 2005).]

[This message has been edited by Marzracing (edited January 09, 2005).]
Mont, This site is for a narrow set of SCCA racer's called IT. Sports Racers have their own web site, GT people have one, Production the same, etc.

With what your've done in the past with drag racing, and high horse power VW's, doesn't really fit in with the IT crowd. Maybe it's a drag racing vs. road racing thing, I don't know. I'm not that familiar with the drag racing rules, but I have to assume, like SCCA, that their is some self-policing between competitors. Tech inspectors are mainly there for safety items, and usually don't have the in-depth knowledge of individual car marks.

Yes, there are some SCCA IT racers that cheat, but most are out there happy to work within the rules, and have fun.

The next level of performance and prep is in Production. http://www.coloradoscca.com/prodcar is the place to go and discuss the unique set of rules and restrictions that us Production racers go through.

After that, it's GT. Full tube frame cars, and less restrictions. I don't have that web site right off the top of my head, but could assist in locating it if you need.

Click on my profile, and get my e-mail address.

Sorry that you've gotten the responses that you did.

Tim Linerud
San Francisco Region SCCA
#95 GP Wabbit

[This message has been edited by Marzracing (edited January 09, 2005).]

[This message has been edited by Marzracing (edited January 09, 2005).]

(Someone's going to see this a year from now and wonder what the hell...?)

[This message has been edited by GregAmy (edited January 10, 2005).]

Greg you are right I should of been more clear on that point. I figured that our (confrence) rules were close to IT rules that this wouldn't been such an issue. For that I am sorry. Move the battery and install a factory wire harness and my car is IT legal. Not the issue but still...
I also agree with Greg's statement whole-heartly that it is not our job to cheat. It is our job to, just as he said, build legal cars and self police. If we are all so worried about the legality of shortened axles then I will e-mail Stu and get the skinny on this and settle this once and for all. But lets not degrade ourselves on this fourm, lets work together. Damm I sound like my father.....

Marz, as for you, welcome to this fourm, please try and post as little as possible.


[This message has been edited by Marzracing (edited January 09, 2005).]

[This message has been edited by Marzracing (edited January 09, 2005).]
What's your name?? I know you are new to the forum but putting a name with the posts might help.......... You'll also notice there are a LOT of discussions about rules and cheating. Making comments like yours will ALWAYS bring an emotional response from this board

Jeff L
#74 ITB GTi
EDIT - original silliness deleted, complaints deleted as well.


[This message has been edited by Knestis (edited January 10, 2005).]

[This message has been edited by Marzracing (edited January 10, 2005).]
First make sure you use GTI axles with 100mm inner joints not the BSI 90mm good engine mounts and stay off the curbing this should cure the problem.
Originally posted by Marzracing:
Remember the guy in the northwest saying that ITA is all but gone.

ITA is not gone in the NW. Sorry if it sounded that way. It is plenty healthy.

It is the two SCCA regions in the NW that lack any competition. The two regions combined for 14 entries over a 17 race schedule at 3 tracks.

Conference on the other hand, had 139 entries over 12 races at 4 tracks. For us to play with any quality SCCA ITA cars we have to head down to the Bay area.
