Danbury News Times says Adam Zimmerman 36 (doctor) hit a car stopped that had impacted a "wall", ME says head injuries was cause of death. Other driver not named was treated and released. This was an EMRA event.Originally posted by JLawton@Sep 26 2005, 11:24 AM
My wife caught the end of a story on the news this morning about an accident at LRP this weekend. Needless to say, she's a "little" freaked. Anyone have any details?
Originally posted by Bill Miller@Sep 26 2005, 04:10 PM
Damn, this is the kind of story you never want to read. Thoughts and prayers go out to Dr. Zimmerman's family, as well as to the other driver.
I've seen Sports Racers allowed in endurance events at a few tracks. It is w/o a doubt tough to see them when you're in a sedan. Should they not be allowed to run w/ close-wheel cars? I don't know, that's really a tough call.
Your link doesn't work.
Originally posted by Knestis@Sep 26 2005, 11:53 PM
That's just so sad. Obviously, without knowing the details it's difficult to say if it would have helped this one person but PLEASE - buy that head and neck restraint this winter, if you haven't already done so.