Well, I could be wrong, there MIGHT be too little realestate out there, but hey...JUST 6 feet would be HUGE. The difference between hitting an Armco (I've done it) and a double row of tires (done that too, LOL) is like night and day.
Extending the track...(or is that shrinking the track!) would work as well, but there are two downsides.
1- Expense. It isn't cheap to lay the foundation and do a proper job ..and have it not tear up. And the chicane would be less effective..unless IT was modded too.
2- Track records. new configuration means the old records will stand forever, and there will be no comparing new to old.
IF it were even the same money to add tires on the outside, that would be my choice.
But hey, Lime Rock only pulls in $44,000 from us every time we rent there...we can't expect them to make improvements until we get serious and start paying some real money.
(Dave, I am with you...sentimentally, I LOVE the place. But, honestly, they haven't treated us well, and compared to other, successful tracks, they are pretty lame. You need waders to work on your car in B paddock if it rains. The ONLY reason improvements are made it the laying of the law by NASCAR and ALMS, I'm afraid. And their "dealing" with us has been less than honest.)