Ron Earp
240 Zs came with three different heads, two different carbs, at least 3 different intake manifolds, and two different transmissions across the production run from 1970-1973. How many spec lines should they have had when they initially classed the old Datsuns?
Additional examples:
*ITS Jensen Healey - has more factory cams than the engine has valves. Lots of parts.
*ITB Mustang - lots of heads, cams, induction changes, etc.
*ITS Mustang - many parts, not ITB Mustang status though
*ITR Mustang V6 - similar to the ITS Mustang
*ITS TR8 - Convertible, coupe, FI, carb all on one line
I do understand the ITAC not wanting to repeat process mistakes made in the past. But it doesn't appear that we're in danger of creating a problem with the RX8. Indeed, if we were to assume that we have created problems in the past, for example, the ITB Mustang classing is what we're trying to avoid, what was the impact on SCCA ITB racing of that classification?
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