I think Brad found the only naturally shady paddock spaces in the entire pasture
The weekend itself was a serious challenge for many reasons - a blown hard brake line on the tow vehicle at the PA/OH state line followed by a broken LF hub on the racecar on Sunday morning. Many, many thanks to Doug for replacing said brake line AFTER Sunday's race and also for his help in repairing the hub - talk about a volunteer
Unfortunately we discovered much too late that the "spares" I have aren't for my car - they may be for a Volkswagen but not for MY Volkswagen
After "borrowing" Brad's truck and having my crew (Ryan) drive me around rural Ohio, we ultimately ended up partially repairing the broken hub so that we could get the General Li loaded in the trailer.
The facilities are quaint - they remind me of Summit Point 20 years ago. They have made some improvements though in T&S. When I was there last year, T&S was wide-open but this weekend, it appears that they have air-conditioning in the Tower. More interesting were the flaggers - several of whom were young enough that they could be my kids (shuddup). It was great to see younger people actually working a specialty and enjoying it
SCCA as a whole needs more of that.
Saturday's race, albeit marred by the incident at the bridge, was interesting to say the least - I made my way past a few ITS cars at the start and only got passed by one ITA car (unfortunately it happened to be a MARRS ITA car). To say the least, the track is bumpy - when I spoke with Jon Marhefka, I told him that the track gave me hemerrhoids - his reply was "Push'em back up and tape'em in place". While the hub on my car was about 1 season old, I'm sure that the punishment of the track surface at Nelson didn't do it any favors. I'm just glad that my car is almost fixed and that it'll live to race another day.
to Brad and his lovely wife Debbie for their gracious hospitality!!! They were kind enough to host Ryan and myself for the weekend. Their kind of friendship and generosity is what SCCA is all about