saturday morning qualify
saturday afternoon race Narrc/Nerrc points
sunday morning race nerrc points only
sunday afternoon race Narrc/Nerrc points
monday PDX event [/b]
saturday morning qualify
saturday afternoon race Narrc/Nerrc points
sunday morning race nerrc points only
sunday afternoon race Narrc/Nerrc points
monday PDX event
Racing at LRP on Sunday??? Isn't that, like, immoral?
I'm not sure if I could do it, I'd feel so...dirty....
Saturday afternoon’s race grid is set by Morning Qualifying
Sunday morning race grid set by sat afternoon race.
Sunday afternoon race set by Sunday morning race
Technically it is a double with two sanctions and credit for two races on your licence
I for one would rather race at NHIS that watch at LRP
Are there any IT drivers on this board that would be interested in helping to organize/sponsor a party on Saturday or Sunday night? I have spoken with the track in the past and there is a possibility that we could have a bon fire behind turn six . I will contact the track if there is enough interest and support from my fellow IT drivers to help set up and clean up. Any takers? Post here or email me at: itracer * gmail . com (replace * w/@)
Stephen and I are in along with our possy