Memorial Day Races NHIS


The rain he speaks of is for Pocono this weekend. 3 days of racing may have morphed from the "Triple Event". There are 3 races in 2 days, not 3 days of racing.
I promise never to do it again!!
Anyone need a garage?? We have an opening. North side of the North garages. It's supposed to rain that weekend.........

Contact me at: jlawton at

OK I think I may have confused a few people... sorry, not the first time or the last!!!

Above is a "Quote" from Jeff L where he predicted rain for memorial day, in what I beleive is an honest attempt to find a roomie at NHIS... I could be wrong, maybe it wasn't all that honest!!! lol Anyway with that prediction I got excited for another rain race at NHIS... That would be a blast IMO but I am a bit crazy... 3 races in the rain!!!! :035:

Anyway back to normal talk with no rain, just so that all of you will be a bit happier ;)

Above is a "Quote" from Jeff L where he predicted rain for memorial day, in what I beleive is an honest attempt to find a roomie at NHIS... I could be wrong, maybe it wasn't all that honest!!! lol

Yup, you got that one right. I was just trying to find a fourth for two garages.

If we get closer and the forcast is for rain, the price doubles!! :lol:
We will be at NHIS Memorial Day weekend with dry and wet tires, Hoosier and Toyos -- and of course, the beverage of your choice after raceday! See you there!

Bob Smart
Northeast Racing Enterprises/
Smartys Auto
[email protected]
BTW, folks, here's a little trivia about Memorial Day in Loudon, NH. Back in the "old" days, when it was still Bryar and the Nationals were held on the 3 day could count on rain for one-three days of the weekend for 10 years that I remember. Ted Goddard could tell you exactly, but it was certain, it was not Memorial Day without rain.
And, if last year is an indicator, it rained on my yard sale......
And the rumor is, 40 days and 40 nights....or at least it feels like that at this point.
Hey, Ray, have you got the kayak out to get to the houses yet? :unsure: