Miata for ITA

Ok Jake so remind me again how Cefalo was able to run so well at the ARRC with no prior experience there and no drafting buddies?
I'm going to go with "because he drove the fucking wheels off the car and two Integra's punch a HUUUUUUUGE hole in the air for one little Miata".

And Hoppe, you're going to have to show me this data. I thought you, Marc, and I were all pretty even down the backstraight. If anything, remember, HUUUUUUUUUUGE hole.:shrug:

Someone turn the bug light off.

See ya guys. I'm actually going to head to a track in the morning. Ya'll have fun with this.:023:
Hell, we have a ITA 240sx here in the NCR that ran low 18s the last trip to VIR. That's the fastest an ITA car has gone there since Mark Carpenter set the record back in 06 in an Integra -- other than Tom and Chris back on Sunday last May who ran 17s.

Bowie won a few races here at VIR and drives the track expertly, but I'm not sure I've seen a Miata run anywhere near low 18s. Chris P., Tom H., Mark C., and Kevin R. all have done so I think in Honda products.
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