Minimum weight display

Nobody thinks that an incorrect weight listed on the side of a car you are racing against would go unnoticed by the drivers? I don't get it.

Put it on, help tech out. For those that never get weighed? Sounds like you should ask your locals to do a check after a qual. Results would be fun!
Who knows all the weights of their competition? Even if you look it up before, are you going to check it's the right number every time they roll across the scales? What are the chances that someone gets caught when they put a different weight on their car right before they go out for a race? And tech usually won't give you the weight of your OWN car. I can't imagine they'll be announcing it in the garage?? Will they start posting actual weights after?

Maybe I'm missing something??? :shrug:

Nobody thinks that an incorrect weight listed on the side of a car you are racing against would go unnoticed by the drivers? I don't get it.

Andy, you are probably one of the FEW people who knows the weights of all the cars in ITA. The only weight I know in ITA is the Miata. I would have no clue what the Tegs are, what the CRXs are. I bet besides you, without looking it up, there is no one who knows the weight of the Saturn SC. How about the weight of the Saturn SL?

Again, are you gonna be chacking everyone's weights at the end of a race?
Andy, you are probably one of the FEW people who knows the weights of all the cars in ITA. The only weight I know in ITA is the Miata. I would have no clue what the Tegs are, what the CRXs are. I bet besides you, without looking it up, there is no one who knows the weight of the Saturn SC. How about the weight of the Saturn SL?

Again, are you gonna be chacking everyone's weights at the end of a race?

Maybe I am the exception but I do know the ITCS. I don't commit it all to memory but I know the weights of cars I have considered building, cars that are quick and cars that I race against. When in impound, it's easy to see the weights staring you right in the face in a group. It would be unreal to have a wrong number on your car.
Who knows all the weights of their competition? Even if you look it up before, are you going to check it's the right number every time they roll across the scales? What are the chances that someone gets caught when they put a different weight on their car right before they go out for a race? And tech usually won't give you the weight of your OWN car. I can't imagine they'll be announcing it in the garage?? Will they start posting actual weights after?

Maybe I'm missing something??? :shrug:


I don't need (or want) to know the correct weights of all the cars in my class. What I DO know is the correct weights of the guys that might outrun me.

As a buddy of mine said long ago, "If you run at the back you can pretty much run whatever you want."
Without knowing what engine is in my STO car how are you going to know if I have the correct weight on the car? LS1 weight with LS7 engine.

I stand by my "solution in search of a problem" opinion. SowDiv has been putting the wheel base, track, and WEIGHT from the tech sheet on the tech sticker for many years now. Every thing we need in tech to get the car across the scale. We didn't need a rule in the GCR. The weight alone on the car is fine IF you are using a platform scale. You need more information to get the cars across the scales in a timely fashion if, like many tech set ups, you are stuck with a set of portable 4 pad scales.
Jerry, while you mention our weights are on the stickers.. For a SowDiv race, would that be considered sufficient to meet this rule from your tech perspective? I have no problem putting the weights on the car, but I might not have time to get it done before the Feb race due to work schedules.

for those of you that are complaining about displaying this, what advantage/disadvantage will this cause you? Someone might be able to figure out what size engine you have in the car, or what adder/multiplier you're running for an alternate suspension/engine/trans in some class? any of that stuff should be pretty easy to figure out anyway just by talking to the driver or looking in the window in grid or someone that knows the car to even listen to the engine putting around in the pits.

What's with all the secrecy? This ain't Formula 1!!

When I'm on track, the last thing I'm worried about is what my competitor weighs. I ASSUME the other guy is bringing a legal car since I made every effort to make my car legal and play within the rules. If I see something that I suspect is off, then and only then will say something to the competitor and give them a chance to fix it before I protest. but that's just me.. Trust but verify..
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Maybe I'm missing something??? :shrug:
Yes, the point.

Putting your weight on the side of the car makes it easier for tech to get cars across the scales faster. If you've ever worked tech (hint, hint) you'll know that the vast majority of the time is spent trying to look up each car as it goes across the scale, so that if there's a discrepancy you don't release them and go through the re-weigh procedure (which you've done -- not the tech part, the being light part...hint, hint...)

But that doesn't mean that Tech is going to take your word for it; no way. They'll still take the time AFTER to look up your weight and verify that you put the right numbers on the side of the car, and if you didn't, they'll toss you for the violation. And, it since you're running a little sign on the side of your car that says "hey, I'm cheating!" your competitors won't give you a pass, either (yes, most people have a general idea of the weight of their competition).

Volunteer for scrutineering one weekend (no hint there) and you'll understand a LOT better.

Quit yer bitchin' and put your numbers on the side of the car.


If the weight is on the card then it is up to the other competitor to protest if wrong.

I do understand but really why is this such a big deal?

In ST - unclaimed head porting (1% weight adder) or unclaimed aftermarket sequential gearbox (100# weight adder) or relocated suspension pickup points (50# weight adder per end), also weight is determined by displacment - or turbo restrictor size or VTS spec.
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But that doesn't mean that Tech is going to take your word for it; no way. They'll still take the time AFTER to look up your weight and verify that you put the right numbers on the side of the car, and if you didn't, they'll toss you for the violation.

THAT'S the part I was missing. The verification by tech that the number on the side of the car is the correct one. That makes sense now.
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Without knowing what engine is in my STO car how are you going to know if I have the correct weight on the car? LS1 weight with LS7 engine.

Seeing as how this is an IT site, those issues are for you and your competitors to work out! I make it a point to know who I am running against.

And to Jeff's point, I do hate when Tech won't even give you your number real time. They should make a production out of it to be honest. "Number 09 ITA Miata, minimum 2380, actual 2401. NEXT!"

This gives the competitors an opportunity to protest should the Tech shed not want to take action if a car is 1-X lbs under.
It doesn't say what size, or where it goes then I can put it in a spot that the guy waking up can see, without plastering it on both sides, and I'm not trying to hide it in the engine bay or the bottom of the car. Honestly, the only time my car's been on the scales is so that I can know what it weights.


Since I'll be working Tech this weekend at Cal Speedway, please put the weight on both sides of the car. Doesn't need to be anything big or special, just make it so one of us can see it and yell it through the window to Greg. I think we are making stickers to give out to the car owners so that will be the easiest and cheapest solution. I'm not sure if we'll have them for this weekend.

The stickers from the Runoffs are great.
And to Jeff's point, I do hate when Tech won't even give you your number real time. They should make a production out of it to be honest. "Number 09 ITA Miata, minimum 2380, actual 2401. NEXT!" This gives the competitors an opportunity to protest should the Tech shed not want to take action if a car is 1-X lbs under.

Here in Cal Club tech we view a competitor's weight as a private matter. We do not shout it out and will not give that number out to other competitors. If a competitor is underweight by even 1lb. the car gets rolled off and back on the scales and re-weighed. That's plenty of notice to the other competitors that there may be an issue. And, if the car is still underweight, by even 1 lb., we refer it to the Tech Steward for action.
There is a scale log at every race in the southeast and it is even recorded when you just roll across to check weight on your own. The recorded weight in impound is not secret and you should ask to see the scale log if you have a question about a competitor. The numbers on the side of the car just get everyone weighed fast and into impound to get cooled off. After that the scale log is checked against the GCR for legality. In almost all cases the tech card has the checked weight before you enter impound. Chief of tech does that while we all get to play on track. It helps the workers and has no downside so what is the big deal? Home depot even sells numbers for mailboxes that stick easily to a side window.
If you are weighing cars for compliance, to me, it should be VERY public.
Exactly. At WDCR events we do turn off the display that's visible to the driver when rolling over after a race. That's more of a precaution so that the driver doesn't summon his crew and have some additional ballast dumped into the car prior to being rolled back over the scales.
Home depot even sells numbers for mailboxes that stick easily to a side window.

That's exactly what I did for my car at the Sebring Nationals.
Both sides.
After applying all 4 numbers side-by-side, I rounded-off the corners with a razor to give a more 'finished' appearance. (Less 'mailboxy')
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Since I'll be working Tech this weekend at Cal Speedway, please put the weight on both sides of the car. Doesn't need to be anything big or special, just make it so one of us can see it and yell it through the window to Greg. I think we are making stickers to give out to the car owners so that will be the easiest and cheapest solution. I'm not sure if we'll have them for this weekend.

The stickers from the Runoffs are great.


You won't have to worry about me, I'm still waiting on my replacement Drive-Away protection emulator. Litterally it's on a slow boat from China.