Multiple sets of skocks, nothing new there.
Multiple this & that, nothing new there.
Buying tire take offs, nothing new there.
Tire companys meeting the customer needs, nothing new there.
Back to the Spec tire for Kart racing. The tires were Bridgstone YBN IIRC. Shave em, who cares. Goop em, who cares. There was a loose rule that you couldn't goop em at the track. Woo-pe, big deal, the goop penetrated better after a time period. There were several goops on the market, you know who had a lab do an analysis of the rubber, had a chemest friend design some exact goop for the tire compound, nothing new there. Except head food. Did the designed goop help my season while winning a championship, you bet it did along with a bunch of other items.
Buying new Spec Kart tires each week, no advantage with these weekly new tires, still nothing new there.
The friken tires worked for a Spec Kart tire. Nuff said by me.
Multiple this & that, nothing new there.
Buying tire take offs, nothing new there.
Tire companys meeting the customer needs, nothing new there.
Back to the Spec tire for Kart racing. The tires were Bridgstone YBN IIRC. Shave em, who cares. Goop em, who cares. There was a loose rule that you couldn't goop em at the track. Woo-pe, big deal, the goop penetrated better after a time period. There were several goops on the market, you know who had a lab do an analysis of the rubber, had a chemest friend design some exact goop for the tire compound, nothing new there. Except head food. Did the designed goop help my season while winning a championship, you bet it did along with a bunch of other items.
Buying new Spec Kart tires each week, no advantage with these weekly new tires, still nothing new there.
The friken tires worked for a Spec Kart tire. Nuff said by me.