- Spec Racer Ford tires are not DOT rated.
- IT rules require DOT tires.
- Ergo, Spec Racer Ford tires are contrary to the IT rules and are illegal.
Period. End of argumentationarianism.
No matter how many excuses you come up with about how "valuable" they are to the community, how "safe" they are, how much "cheaper" they are, or how they can't be competitive (sorry, I missed the clause that says "if it won't make you faster you can do it") you cannot overcome this one simple fact: they're illegal. And even if you were to get a unanimous approval from everyone on this forum that they should be allowed, they'd
still be illegal.
If you want to allow non-DOT tires within Improved Touring, even just specific ones, please use the process of sending a request to Topeka via
[email protected]. It will be accepted, reviewed by the ITCS, and either forwarded to the CRB as a recommendation or returned to you as "contrary to the philosophy of the class."
See? That was easy.
GregA, "desk racer". Oh, and past ITA champion.