NASA PS is retired, new classing for IT crossovers

So, Ed, what you're saying is that it's a great place for someone that wants to go racing and has done very litttle, or no homework. Fair enough.

Up to this point, I really could not race NASA, at least not with any ease. SCCA, even the distant events, were still closer, and honestly, are a known entity. Generally well run, with good safety and insurance, and so on. So really, NASA had little draw, esp as when I researched it, it was obvious that the class I would wind up in was one that they really didn't care much about, and finding the exact information was difficult. They pretty much said, "Sure we'll have a spot for you". great but.......

Now all that is different. NASA could be an alternative, as they are much more local. But with that classing structure, I'm not sure if there is any point, esp if I need a second tire program. Jury is still out however. What are the noise limits for, say Lime Rock?
For myself I am much less happy with PT, PS was perfect my car went between directly but I also only had two races with three entrants all year. Usually it was just me and a well driven but underprepared 323.

Yes NASA racing has been essentially unavailable to the NE, nothing other than a simple fact.

All events I have been to have been well run and safe, insurance is good as far as I know. Not nearly the number of volunteers but still well run and safe. NASA was the known entity I was afraid what going to an SCCA event was going to be like!

NASA is where I spent three years on track with very little chance of car contact (I can't think of any contact in an HPDE in 3 years from GA to Maine) and it is their programs that brought me up to being able to race. If not for NASA I wouldn't be racing which is something I wanted to do my whole life but the SCCA process was never put in front of me plainly and I had no clue how accessible club racing was before I pursued it with NASA then dug for the SCCA scoop. (Many years ago I went to several driving events with companies in FL that were all SCCA racers and while they were fun - never was it made clear by any of them how simple or easy it would have been to move into club racing.)

Yeah I see now I could have started a long time ago - but I didn't know until after I was involved with NASA and looked into SCCA with purpose. NASA is the group that took me in and made it clear and made it happen. So as an organization I can't knock them and if they close an unattended class (albeit the best one for me) and start something new and different (which I see the same problems most have posted with it) for a different group of people with different interest than mine and it will take somebody else who wants to race but has no clue and hasn't been attracted deep enough into SCCA to know how easy it is - then good for them. SCCA IT suits me very well but I wouldn't have ever known that 4 years ago finishing my Masters or 8 years ago even though I was running on track with schools in FL ran by SCCA club racers.

LRP is going to be lousy - I want to run all NASA-NE events to help the group that helped me (NASA contact brought me into contact with also doing PDA track days since they attended each others events for a lont time already) but LRP probably won't be possible for me it is going to be highly muffled and the last PDA event I went to I got kicked off with the race car. I might see if it is doable but will probably instruct the HPDE and take my STI out in the DE instead.

The rest of the tracks should be no issue as none of them have the limited number of unmuffled days and other issues LRP has.