To be honest it was purely to get opinions on the subject. There are some advantages that can be had but some apparent obstacles would have to be overcome. As the IT Triple Crown Administrator I have received a few requests to have IT7 included. That can not happen without a nationally accepted set of rules. The Atlanta Region ProIT series no longer recognizes IT7 as a separate class due to lack of participation. Some divisions still do not support IT7 and people have asked me how they can change that around.
What was once an extremely popular car, and to an extent still is, has fragmented into several classes. I see that as a disadvantage for the platform. I just received some participation numbers for the class and although I have not gone through them I feel they will indicate a downward trend. Points standing lists don’t seem to have as many cars listed in IT7 as they did 3 years ago when I was deciding what class to race in. Cars for sale do not fetch much and sit around for a longer time now. Some vendors that at one time were strong supporters of the 1st gen no longer do so. Parts are hitting the unfavorable part of the supply vs. demand curve but $3k wouldn’t buy a refresh on a Continental engine (at least $4k) that’s required once a year.
At this point in time the classification of car is not clear cut. Unity would eliminate the need to find a proper place. I did not intend to start that debate up again but merely wanted to gauge interest and gather other opinions on the idea.
Thank you for your participation,
Tom is correct. The car is split into too many classes and this fragmentation hurts the economic market and complexion for competing in these cars. He has summed it up well. Likewise Kirk above did a nice job summarizing some of the perceived competition issues.
One class for this car makes sense. And, I understand why the SRX7 folks might be against this due to the expense of upgrading closer to the IT rule set. However the expense would not be that large. SRX7 has dwindled and whithered away in some regions. Spec Miata in it's formative years probably stole the interest when it was a cheap class. It is not anymore.
I know guys with SRX7 cars sitting in fields rotting. There is no real place for them to race. With a couple of weekends work and some financial input, these cars might have a home and some renewed value if a merged class for RX-7's occurred.
Tom, I'm one of the guys that would be interested to know how IT7 can/could be established in a Division. Currently, around here they run in ITA. When I go East, I enter the car in IT7.
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