New member
Originally posted by GregAmy:
Amen, SteveU. NO offense to the folks working locally, but it's time to bring in the Big Guns CEO for a heart-to-heart talk.
How can I get involved in these processes and negotiations (and please don't tell me to show up at the meetings in MA on a Friday night. Won't happen.) - GA
Big Guns?
I don't mean to be smug but HAHAHAHAHAHA!
What exactly would Steve Johnson do to make LRP lower the 2005 rates? threaten to leave? our dates would be gobbled up in just a phone call to one of those more inexpensive clubs, remember we use the most track ammenities so we pay the premium. To my knowledge the only two groups that don't pay to race there are ALMS and Nascar, the rest pay a site fee.
Yes SCCA has a long history at that track as a matter of fact they will be forever linked together. But as we were told in order to preserve the legacy of Skip Barber these increses have to be made, the track explained that they have been loosing many hundreds of thousands of dollars every year and this is how they will repair it.
there are many reasons why LRP can't turn a profit, mismanagement of facilities, over spending, on going litigation... we have offered to assist in cost containment but have not recieved a call yet.
Don't get to jacked, just remember it's just business to them and a hobby to us this is a crappy answer but it is the truth.
this news affects 4 regions so we are all in the same boat, check with your local regional exec's to see if you can help.
Ray not attending event at LRP only hurts our club. not attending the Pro events hurts the track, just a thought.
Greg, if you "cut Bait" what happens to NY region and Mohud? they have no other tracks to run at and NNJR will be down to one at Pocono, don't forget divisional race dates are in demand, other regions will take our dates to their tracks, if and when this issue is solved scheduling sanctioned event that don't interfere with other regions will be almost impossible.
To the best of my knowledge we can not sublet our dates, besides at the new fee for W2W racing who else will pay it?
The track considers racing when you pass anywhere. if you want to run in November or April the cost is 6k a weekend cheaper.
brian m