ITJ has been announced by Oregon region. The class is designed to give a place in SCCA racing for LeMons/Chump cars. In case you are wondering the official class name is Improved Touring JUNK.
Where's my Fonzi icon...?
By the time these cars are built to meet SCCA safety prep standards, and drivers are wearing SCCA-required safety equipment, the whole concept is well above "Look down, there's some sharks!" status...
Can't wait until the first SoWDiv scrutineer looks at something with a shark fin bolted on top and pulls out the "neat and clean appearance" GCR requirement...
Have fun!
can't these cars run ITE anyways if they have the proper safety equipment?
Plus why would you want to run it with SCCA when there is a busy Chump Car schedule anyway with endurance races and full fields?
I wish they didn't give a false representation to what IT is... These cars are not IT cars at all and probably never will be. They should have called it what it is not an IT car.