new track

This is great news. There have been many reports of things happening for many years, but this is the first one that actually has any progress to report.

Note about permits - the Tamworth site has some wetlands that were going to be messed w/ and just like not farting at LRP on a Sunday, you can't mention putting a shovel into a wet area w/o a legal wrangle. Lets hope this site is a dry one. The permits can be had, but it just takes forever.

Sound - I am surprised that the proposal would start so low. I would have expected to tell people that we would run no more than 105dB, then when there was oppostion you have room to move the ceiling down to what we really run. To someone who knows little about noise/sound levels, going from 105 down to 102 seems like a decent reduction and it looks like a concession has been made, everyone wins.

I gripe about the sound level becuase it can be the death of a track. Bridgehampton is the best example of this. The sound limits there were such that the racecars had to be quieter than the tow vehicles (yes this did happen from time to time) and in the end they could not host events that would generate the income needed to maintain the track.

No community is ever going to raise their tolerance, it will only get tighter, and groups like us are a great target. I've been to places that have pristine silence 24-7, but New England is not one of them.

But again, this is great news, lets all buy these guys a beer next time we run into them!

The real question is whether the readings for those limits will be recorded at the GCR compilant location or at the property line (like at Waterford Hills).

I took sound readings to be used as evidence for the defense in litigation between neighbors and a track in Indiana. As I was taking readings at the property line, next to the nearest house, the homeowner's bedroom air conditioner turned on and registered 20dBa higher than a Formula Ford on the track! And that was without turning the microphone around to point at the house!
But again, this is great news, lets all buy these guys a beer next time we run into them!


Last time I ran into Dick I had Ray Lee Chee buy him a beer, but he was the RE back then.......

I don't know that they should - maybe more area is needed. Summit Point has at least three churches pretty close to it and other than no unmuffled motors running on Sunday for an hour (lunch) there doesn't seem to be any neighborly issues there. [/b]

Actually, Summit Point went through a HUGE battle with a local citizens group a few years back. When they found out Bill Scott had applied for zoning changes to build the new circuit, they tried to get new zoning restrictions for sound applied. I think it was 87-89db, and quiet hours on sunday until noon. All the pro-motorsports people worked hard to prevent these changes and alot of us locals chewed the ears off of the zoning board members to keep it from happening. A group called SPARC was formed in support of the track. At the same time, things were done to try and reduce opposition, from the planting of trees to help screen out noise, to the MARRS fundraisers for South Jefferson recrational amenities (library, jogging trail) to community days at the track.

PS. Quiet time for the SCCA events at SP (Drivers School, National, Regionals) is 7pm to 7:30am. Dunno where you get quiet lunch hour from.
PS. Quiet time for the SCCA events at SP (Drivers School, National, Regionals) is 7pm to 7:30am. Dunno where you get quiet lunch hour from.[/b]
Yes there has always been the off hours quiet time - at NASA events at least Sunday has a intra-day quiet hour.

The problems that arose from adding Shenandoah weren't well publicized to all participants then, my impression was always that the relationship with the community was a positive one.
WDC region has done a great job of supporting the local charities and such which may have a lot to do with the support the track recieved in their fight. we hope to learn from their example.
Just cause I love buses, I figured I would share...

Looks like the road following what would be the backside of the property (to us) Rt 32 has a bus route!!! Those rich arrive and drive folks could fly in take a bus and walk through the woods ;).

The link is to another map (from the PVTA) that outlines the bus routes in the area. I think that the map is good simply cause it points out some key interests such as Wal-Mart, Palmer Airport (greg), the local hospitals, Town Halls, Local Villages, Big Y's, etc.\

I believe based on the area that we are all ASSUMING it is just below Wal-Mart Correct me if I am wrong but I don't think anyone has confirmed the spot.

Raymond "dreaming that somday this will all work" Blethen
I agree, south of WalMart, east of Ware rd and north of Warren Rd is my guess, but maybe Dick will confirm, deny, of keep us guessing!

What are the green sections on that map???
Well on that map it is due east of wall mart but you can’t really get there from there. It is actually south a couple of miles from Mary Lane Hospital which is on your map, but again you would not likely come that way. It is much easier and less traffic to approach it from the south. About 2 miles north of Route 67, which is off route 20. It is 12 miles from Mass Pike Exit 8 with only 4 turns.