1: Fix the hole at 11.
I have mentioned this every few months for the last two years, yet nothing gets done. What is needed is something that wont break the car (or bike), but you don't want to drive over in any case. "Crusher run" et al wont work, because it will just get beat out of there like the last batch did. It would be at best a temporary fix. Maybe something like the "ramp" that is at the apex of 10, right where you cross back over the NASCAR track on the way to the north chicane.
2: Fix the ditch on drivers right after station 8 (the tree house).
Same thing, the hole keep growing every month. Lots of people hang two wheels off here and scatter stone over the track as a result, and the hole just keeps getting deeper.
3: Change the chicane in the south end to be a more gentle blend into the track, even if it makes the "elbow" sharper and slower. Smacking the wall on the outside there is all too common.
It isn't enouch to simply add some pavng, but maybe some has to be removed as well, reducing the options in the corner. I really hate the thought of reducing the number of lines available, but the exit of 2 is a bad deal.
4: Move the jersey barriers in 6 (the bowl) forward about 1 or 2 feet.
Currently, the barriers on the outside of the gravel trap are so close to the edge, that if you hit one, it is going to slide down the embankment on the back side. Moving it in a bit would stop this in most cases. Also, as a result, the flaggers have no place to stand that is level and it is very hard on them. They cannot see the the track surface all the way to the apex because of the topography, and they actually need a stand that is about three feet high to see the track surface. (I know this, because after working there for a day, I built a stand that used the jersey barrier lift slots for support and was about 2 feet higher than the ground. It helped, but the platformn I built has long since been "aged" by the years it has been there.)
5: Improve worker protection at station 7 (The tree, drivers left, after the bowl.)
Both ends of the barrier have been clipped while I was standing there, and the area near the tree is dangerous to stand in if you are flagging. (Doug Holmes? clipped the LEFT end either last year or the year before and ended up in the grass way out in the middle of the area.) Add a second barrier between the track and the tree at right angles to one already there.
6: Add another barrier to the flag station at 11.
Like station 7, there isn't any protection from cars that head towards the barrier, and if someone were to head into that station, the barrier that is there could be flipped over. Add a second barrier facing the track that prevents the one there from falling over and provides a 2 sided "box" for the flaggers to work in.
7: Turn 3, remove the alligators at the apex.
Most cars are all four inside them (well, the fast guys are ), and the only thing they do is upset the car if you miss the apex by a foot, so remove them. Getting the car upset there only assures the you head for "Patullo's rock", which used to be in the middle of where the gravel trap is now located. (Ah, memories of "Big Dick" high centered on that rock.....) If the DE events and the club racers want to keep people out of there, put cones there, like they do now.
8: Bring back station 9.
There used to be a flag station ("9") on the outside of the downhill turn after the tree house.
The vast runoff that has been created makes that unsafe, but there is a problem if someone spins in the downhill section after the apex. The station that would have the yellow flag (8) cannot see that section of track and must rely on station 10 (at the wall of the nascar oval) to tell them to put up a yellow flag. Sometimes that gets missed. Sometimes it takes too long. And sometimes 8 doesn't see a car that drives off, even if they should (like this last weekend.)
So, create a flag station on the INSIDE near (before) the apex for 9 to warn drivers if there is a spin in that section of track. It would be in your line of sight (or near it, in any case). I'm thinking of near the access road between corner 4 and corner 9.
OK, that is the short form of my list.
Please add your own comments and.or discussion.
I have mentioned this every few months for the last two years, yet nothing gets done. What is needed is something that wont break the car (or bike), but you don't want to drive over in any case. "Crusher run" et al wont work, because it will just get beat out of there like the last batch did. It would be at best a temporary fix. Maybe something like the "ramp" that is at the apex of 10, right where you cross back over the NASCAR track on the way to the north chicane.
2: Fix the ditch on drivers right after station 8 (the tree house).
Same thing, the hole keep growing every month. Lots of people hang two wheels off here and scatter stone over the track as a result, and the hole just keeps getting deeper.
3: Change the chicane in the south end to be a more gentle blend into the track, even if it makes the "elbow" sharper and slower. Smacking the wall on the outside there is all too common.
It isn't enouch to simply add some pavng, but maybe some has to be removed as well, reducing the options in the corner. I really hate the thought of reducing the number of lines available, but the exit of 2 is a bad deal.
4: Move the jersey barriers in 6 (the bowl) forward about 1 or 2 feet.
Currently, the barriers on the outside of the gravel trap are so close to the edge, that if you hit one, it is going to slide down the embankment on the back side. Moving it in a bit would stop this in most cases. Also, as a result, the flaggers have no place to stand that is level and it is very hard on them. They cannot see the the track surface all the way to the apex because of the topography, and they actually need a stand that is about three feet high to see the track surface. (I know this, because after working there for a day, I built a stand that used the jersey barrier lift slots for support and was about 2 feet higher than the ground. It helped, but the platformn I built has long since been "aged" by the years it has been there.)
5: Improve worker protection at station 7 (The tree, drivers left, after the bowl.)
Both ends of the barrier have been clipped while I was standing there, and the area near the tree is dangerous to stand in if you are flagging. (Doug Holmes? clipped the LEFT end either last year or the year before and ended up in the grass way out in the middle of the area.) Add a second barrier between the track and the tree at right angles to one already there.
6: Add another barrier to the flag station at 11.
Like station 7, there isn't any protection from cars that head towards the barrier, and if someone were to head into that station, the barrier that is there could be flipped over. Add a second barrier facing the track that prevents the one there from falling over and provides a 2 sided "box" for the flaggers to work in.
7: Turn 3, remove the alligators at the apex.
Most cars are all four inside them (well, the fast guys are ), and the only thing they do is upset the car if you miss the apex by a foot, so remove them. Getting the car upset there only assures the you head for "Patullo's rock", which used to be in the middle of where the gravel trap is now located. (Ah, memories of "Big Dick" high centered on that rock.....) If the DE events and the club racers want to keep people out of there, put cones there, like they do now.
8: Bring back station 9.
There used to be a flag station ("9") on the outside of the downhill turn after the tree house.
The vast runoff that has been created makes that unsafe, but there is a problem if someone spins in the downhill section after the apex. The station that would have the yellow flag (8) cannot see that section of track and must rely on station 10 (at the wall of the nascar oval) to tell them to put up a yellow flag. Sometimes that gets missed. Sometimes it takes too long. And sometimes 8 doesn't see a car that drives off, even if they should (like this last weekend.)
So, create a flag station on the INSIDE near (before) the apex for 9 to warn drivers if there is a spin in that section of track. It would be in your line of sight (or near it, in any case). I'm thinking of near the access road between corner 4 and corner 9.
OK, that is the short form of my list.
Please add your own comments and.or discussion.