NHIS Opening Day

Coming down the home stretch...ITA leads the way!

ITR: 3
ITS: 14
ITA: 23
ITB: 6
ITC: 1


SM: 23
SSM: 22
SRF: 13
Entire G2: 9 (FV, F500, CF, NCF, FST)
Entire G4: 13 (GT1, GT2, GT3, T1, T2, AS, SPO, ITE, CGT1, CGT2, CGT3, BP, DP, ST)
Sorry I will not be able to make the opening race. But I will be looking at the results and times to see how every one has done . I will see you all at Pocono. Good luck and may the best man win. rosmar77
everyone watch out, the camera man will be hiding around the track to catch your every move B)