Hi all. So I went to the orthopeadic doctor today, and the spine is stable, no surgery needed, just rest to let the bones heal in the normal 6 weeks time. I get an MRI in a few weeks to make sure the discs and joints are still fine.[/b]
Great news. Glad things are looking good going forward. Maybe next year, I'll bring another NARRC trophy to your house.
I hit hard, probably 60-65mph, and the car just stopped! No bouncing or deflecting to the side or back, just stopped flat. I could feel my lower back/torso go forward on impact (nothing else), and then the pain, heavy pressure feeling.
I tried to radio my crew, but my earpiece got disconnected, although they could hear me.
Obviously the 2 corner workers directly across couldn't understand my thumbs-down signal, that I was not ok.[/b]
I looked at some pictures I have of the area that I took two months ago and there was one row of tires in front of the jersey barrier in front of the tree. Maybe there should be two rows, bolted together.
The workers took your had signal as waving at them, saying you were OK. It's hard to tell what you were signialing from the other side of the track, maybe 60 or more feet away. If you really want to get their attention, do NOTHING. Sit there and DON'T MOVE a bit. The worker will say that you are not moving, and massive panic will set in, and everything will get sent to visit you. Everything. Quickly.
It seemed like a long time before the workers got to me, but they were great.[/b]
The workers at the flag station couldn't cross the track as cars were flying past. The worker (Alice) ran from the previous station around the outside of the bowl to reach you. That is why it took the minute or two for her to get to you. It is farther than I would ever want to run. About the time she got there, the Fire/Rescue truck was there as well.
They opted to cut the roof off the car to get me out flat and straight, I'm glad they did, because I could have had more back damage if they moved me or I tried to get out myself. Kudos to the workers (although I hear some improvements in driver/wokrer communication are in order). Also, I agree with the condition of the surface just off track in 7 and in 11/12. And please cut down that damn tree, or put up Armco, please.[/b]
Dropping the window net, or waving, or making a hand jesture is taken as saying you are OK. If you want to say you are hurt, just do nothing. That is what they teach at drivers school, as I understand it. (I havent gone to a DS in a long time.) Signal if you are OK, do nothing if you are not.
Can I say this one more time so EVERYONE gets the message? If you are hurt, do NOTHING. That will cause a whole bunch of panic and get you the most help the fastest, unless you are an ex-flagger, and can signal that:
- you are injured,
- you want an ambulance, and
- you want it now.
Yes, that are three distinct hand signals, and if you are injured, you are not likely able to do them, so just sit there
doing NOTHING.
Well, in any case, I'm glad you are going to be OK.