Opening Day Regional NHIS

Flatout boys,
whats going on your missing 1 entry.... is Steve U the slacker on the team??? Or is there going to be a mystery driver after the school?????

Matt Bal
Originally posted by 67ITB:
Flatout boys,
whats going on your missing 1 entry.... is Steve U the slacker on the team??? Or is there going to be a mystery driver after the school?????

Matt Bal

Family vacation...he has taken the heat.


Andy Bettencourt
06 ITS RX-7
FlatOut Motorsports
New England Region
Originally posted by RSTPerformance:
Hey cool! I'm in fourth overall! and look at the VW running in First well ok now Nick is he jsut got by in a classic move to the inside!


...he wasn't the only one!

Originally posted by RSTPerformance:
several others will no this but how many cars do we need to get at NHIS to "Brake even".

several others will __know__ this

The __break__ even number depends on if you count the school or not as a weekend package. There are a number of expenses that change from day to day and the actual break even number can only be determined after the event.

If you want to know more, go to the regions comp board meetings where the comptroller goes over all the numbers in great detail.

Last years numbers were distributed at the annual meeting, IIRC.
I just wanted to thank the people who responded to my "physical" issue...

The PMA where my doctor’s is located has a walk in clinic, but they do not do physicals, they only take care of sick people. However the hospital was great in passing me around to different people, I think in an effort to not help me. They even called me back and told me someone else to call when I left them messages. Finally I called a lovely lady in a soon to be doctors office who then put me on hold and found someone currently at the hospital who could do my physical ASAP, she was unimpressed that other people with the same capability forwarded me to her. Anyway she is getting a nurse practitioner to do it tomorrow afternoon. I think the first people I talked to were scared of the document (I can race waiver) that needed to be signed so they just jumped me around.

Anyway thanks to everyone for their input in making sure I have no excuses... now all I need to do is get this on-line pre-registration fixed and get Topeka to process my license ASAP...

Raymond "looking forward to seeing everyone" Blethen

This isn't a link to an in-car video, but just a set of shots/pictures I took from my camera and put in order. It does show what the track looks like. It is the first lap of an ITB/ITS race from April 15, 2000. I think you will find it somewhat comical. Maybe I should send a copy of the tape to someone who can make it into a on-line video!!!

I think that this lap would be a great one for the history books, as their is an incident in just about every turn. I think I gained half the field by default that day

Raymond "The driver" Blethen

PS: Yes stephen is the white Audi infront of me... but I think I might have passed him at some point

[This message has been edited by RSTPerformance (edited March 31, 2004).]
Matt writes:
Flatout boys, whats going on your missing 1 entry.... is Steve U the slacker on the team???

As Andy says, I'll be 2500 miles away with the fam. My alleged buddies keep threatening to rent out my brand new ride. If the green-and-white ITS 05 runs that weekend, please let me know and I will press charges ...

/Steve U
Originally posted by RSTPerformance:
Will the Mather family be racing this year??? I love those escorts...

we miss you!!!


We miss you guys too!

Don't know how things will work out, my motor is tired, needs a rear main seal (and hopefully not a clutch) and we finally killed our tires from 2002.

The XR3 is gutted but I think our winter rivaled yours this year so that's it. We're still playing catch up on all the stuff we (I?) "ignored" on my beater till it got warmer. Oh, and I took the studs off last night so it should snow again soon, sorry about that!

We'll come out and at least visit you, if we can't get on the track, k?

OK ITBers... are you happy now??? I am registered

I have my physical out of the way and my comp. Licence on its way... All I have left now is to figure out how to put my darn Audi back together, its been so long since it "fell apart"

Raymond Blethen
Where's the other Blethan???? Has he not gotten humiliated enough yet to sign up??

Jeff L
#74 ITB GTi
Stephen has registered...

Here is an update of our status as of last night (nothing done today yet

See you all on April 18th!!!





[This message has been edited by RSTPerformance (edited April 05, 2004).]
Gee Raymond, you are certainly encouraging me for my first ITB race!! Are you sure you're not sandbagging us?? I want a picture with todays newspaper on the hood!!

Jeff L
#74 ITB GTi
BELLIIIIEEEEVVVEEE me Jeff, they are not sandbagging. Having known the Blethens for a couple years now, I am VERY shocked that they are THAT far along already!
