Opening Day Results?

...Looks like the Amy era may be coming to an end………… :D[/b]

Good! "<strike>Strikeouts are</strike> Winning all the time is boring. It's fascist. <strike>Throw some ground balls</strike> Finish second once in a while, it's more democratic." (HT: Crash Davis, Bull Durham)

You had a hell of a weekend, nice job!! No doubt you have the talent and with a little more seat time, I'm sure will be a force. (plus, the car sounds really cool!!)

Thanks for the help during the school Jeff. It was much appreciated. I had a great time and learned alot. Paired with what I learned last year at the school I have a much better idea when to take risks, and when to sit back a little. Only more seat time can get me the rest of the way. Im not sure if it's talent or selected stupidity, but I'm willing to give it a shot! I just need to work on increasing the race budget so i can get to some of the other tracks that might be better suited to the car. I have to get the exhaust back to the right sound right now too. Apparently at some point during the race I shot the O2 sensor right out of the header. Maybe that was the thud I heard going through the oval...
So ya coming to Pocono in 3 weeks?
I don't think we'll make it to Pocono, but we might do Lime Rock next month, whenever that is. I would really like to get the suspension set up and get an alignment too. But before we do that, we need to replace most of the bushings and replace some front suspension parts that are bent. Then I'll feel a little more confident about driving the car hard.

Question for anyone: After I got my Novice permit back from Sunday's race, I saw there were two slips of paper stapled to it saying that I needed to work one session at each of my two regional races before I can get licensed. I wish I saw that before the race on Sunday. Now, I missed working at one of my races. Guess I'll have to do two more races (and work at them both) before I can get my license?

I don't think we'll make it to Pocono, but we might do Lime Rock next month, whenever that is. I would really like to get the suspension set up and get an alignment too. But before we do that, we need to replace most of the bushings and replace some front suspension parts that are bent. Then I'll feel a little more confident about driving the car hard.

Question for anyone: After I got my Novice permit back from Sunday's race, I saw there were two slips of paper stapled to it saying that I needed to work one session at each of my two regional races before I can get licensed. I wish I saw that before the race on Sunday. Now, I missed working at one of my races. Guess I'll have to do two more races (and work at them both) before I can get my license?



Look in the GCR at how long you can race on yur novice permit... It is at least a year, and I think it might be 18 months... take the $75 or so you save and put it into an entry fee or bushing ;) and just run as many races as you want on the novice permit... that will also give you plenty of time to work more than 2 times!!!

Ramond "Congrats on getting signed off!!!" Blethen
Thanks Raymond! I just checked the GCR and the permit is good for 24 months. So, you're right, I have nothing to worry about, plenty of time to complete all the requirements.
Nice to meet the rookies. Also Andrew Zimmerman from NJ in his Teg. Bring these cars out to LRP May 18-19th for a Double!!! ITA up here ain't too shabby...
I'll chime in with my 2 cents.

CPM Motorsports had a really great/fun weekend. The TEG has been real darty the past couple of outtings. We checked our toe after qualifying made an adjustment to the front right and hoped for the best. While I was watching another run group and figured I would check the front end for loose/damaged parts one more time - this was my best move of the weekend - found a lower control arm pivot bolt that was ready for fall out - re-tighted and torqued - problem solved - well sort of - tightening the bolt didn't tighten my scrotum for T-1 and T-2. It would appear I continue to loose time in this part of the track - I need to start drinking Crazy Joe's hromone mix to master this part of the track.

Had a great race with Geoff Branscombe #94. We traded P6 and P7 a few times and managed to stay door handle to door handle in T1/T2 and T6 - a very clean and talented racer making the race quite enjoyable - nice job Geoff.

Watched most of Crazy Joe and Jeff's battle - quite a show. Andy was wicked quick - thanks for showing me the head lights, my last request to Andy before the start of the race. Greg "Awesome" Amy - still making tons more torque than I can handle with that "twin cam." Someday I'll show you the Pocono video, where you "check out" like the motor is taking a "nitrous shot" exiting the chicane. I felt horrible for Brandon as we grabbed a spot from him on the last lap exitng T3 - you ran a great race.

Finished P-5 - We'll take it - learned a lot more about the car and me - I need bigger balls and a tad more power - practice, practice practice - money, money money. See ya in Pocono.
I saw there were two slips of paper stapled to it saying that I needed to work one session at each of my two regional races before I can get licensed. I wish I saw that before the race on Sunday. Now, I missed working at one of my races. Guess I'll have to do two more races (and work at them both) before I can get my license?


I don't believe you need to do them at an event you necessarily race at. I know I didn't. I went up on a weekend I wasn't racing and worked 2 sessions in a row (actually did about 4 since I was there) and got it all out of the way at once.

I also want to single out NER's Timing and Scoring with some praise.

1. We had an error on the grid sheets that had Nick's SM time at an impossibly low 1:14.0. A quick trip to T&S got it resolved without any pain and minimal confusion for the other drivers.

2. The speed the event hits MyLaps. The event ain't over for eveyone on Sunday night! Ultra-fast.

3. This one may seem simple to us but the FORMAT of the MyLaps results is perfect. One click gets you all the info you need to know. What actually makes up each run group and the sanction number plus event officials. As someone who likes to surf MyLaps for IT results, it can be real painful to have to open up each run group to find the IT cars because they aren't listed in the group sub-title. Most do, but some don't. It also makes it easy to find manditory liscense renewal info.

I don't believe you need to do them at an event you necessarily race at. I know I didn't. I went up on a weekend I wasn't racing and worked 2 sessions in a row (actually did about 4 since I was there) and got it all out of the way at once.

That's good to know, thanks stevel. I think I'll work the next race at LRP since I can't race that day.
That's good to know, thanks stevel. I think I'll work the next race at LRP since I can't race that day. [/b]

I might be mistaken, but you should be able to race that day. You just race on your Novice permit. They won't allow you to 'submit' for your Regional until you have worked a couple stints - but you can race on your Novice permit all
I might be mistaken, but you should be able to race that day. You just race on your Novice permit. They won't allow you to 'submit' for your Regional until you have worked a couple stints - but you can race on your Novice permit all
Yes, sorry, I meant I can't race that day since my teammate already has plans for the day, and he is the one with the truck and trailer! So, I figure it's a good time to work at the race.
Yes, sorry, I meant I can't race that day since my teammate already has plans for the day, and he is the one with the truck and trailer! So, I figure it's a good time to work at the race. [/b]

So you give him your street car and take the T&T!
Or rent him a uhaul if he needs a truck. Don't pass up the opportunity to race. Winter's waayyy too long to skip races in the summer!!

Congrats to all the rookies, sounds like a good crop.[/b]

Some cool cars I haven't seen before...ITA gets better and better!!!



Man it looks like another great weekend that I missed chasing that little white ball in Florida.

I am looking forward to getting back out in May.

You know what they say right?

Those with golf balls golf; those with real balls race!!


I have not heard that, but I like the saying although it should be

Those with golf balls golf; those with big balls race!!