OPM versus Phantom

mr craven, and anyone else new on here who may be disallusioned with the OPM diffs performance.
The fact of the matter is really quite simple to follow.
There are guys on here that run OPM diff's who go to the ARRC and do well.
nough said
how come no one else has pics of an OPM insert? id like to SEE what makes it different than a PG unit. ive seen some pretty clear pictures of a PG and there definately seems like something is missing. the picture above doesnt really show anything.

i dont need to be convinced OPM is better than Phantom Grip. i even have a OPM LSD and can say it works fine. i just want to see the "clutch" material. i got my tranny straight from OPM already assembled, so i never got a look inside.
well I can give you one really big difference between the phantom (which I have on my swift) and OPM's.
Phantom has it in print that their LSD is "not for racing"!
I think that says it all...
<font face=\"Verdana, Arial\" size=\"2\">I remember someone sent a swift diff to Quaife to see if they would build a prototype. Unfortunately we couldnt get enough buyers to meet the minimum number of orders. Anyways, Quaife guys said it was simply the smallest diff/tranny they had ever seen.</font>

Heh... that was me. I sent this very diff to quaife about 3 or 4 months before I sent it to OPM (who promised it to me within a couple of days, but I didn't recieve it for a few months). The guy from quaife's exact words were "I've seen larger diffs on golf carts."

[This message has been edited by Roy Dean (edited February 15, 2005).]