Pablo had a bad day

Hey Kirk, sorry to hear it. The new GTi will be better and faster I'm sure but it's a big bummer hearing that such a nice looking car is messed up. Makes my incident last weekend seem minor by comparison... Good luck!
I am sorry to hear about your misfortune, I am glad that both occupants were OK.
I am sure that you will come back with a better car soon.

Thanks for remembering "Baby" and her demise in T6 two years ago this November at Summit Point. I am somewhat glad that it was my enduro co-driver, Jon Winter, at the wheel when the car flipped. He had just turned the two fastest laps the car had EVER turned before the roll. I wonder if there is any correlation there? Here are some pics of the event.

To All,

I too am a member of the GRC (GTI Rollover Club) although my entry into that elite group of people was on purpose. I participated in and WON the Rollover Contest at this years NASA HyperFest at Summit Point. I rolled the purpose built (for rolling over) Rabbit GTI 2 1/4 times off of the short ramp. There were several quotable quotes from that adventure to include:

" I won the contest. Where is my five hundred dollars?" me to Chris Cobetto

" I would much rather roll someoneelse's car on purpose than mine by accident." me to Mark Baracka the owner of the rollover car

"Could I have another gin and tonic please?" me to the EMS people as I climbed out of the car. They laughed and said "Sure".

"dangerous" dave parker
wdcr ITC #97
Originally posted by Knestis@Sep 5 2005, 07:58 PM

...I don't know if the Isaac played any role in my not feeling any after effects of the roll. H&N systems really come into their won where big decelerations are involved and frankly, a roll like we had is really gentle by comparison.

I canNOT emphasize how much faith I put in my seat in this situation. (Sorry, by the way Jake.) I felt the wings keeping my noggin between them and, with my belts really tight like I always run them, I was almost comfortable going over....


And from another poster, "Gregg Baker if you have any info on the later effects of wearing , or not wearing a H&N device that would be good information for others to consider..."

First, when I saw the thread title a few days ago I figured Kirk was making a tongue-in-cheek comment about Juan Pablo Montoya's recent F1 activity, so I skipped it.

Second, we've been spending a lot of time lately reviewing test data where the impacts are as high as 100Gs. We're talking crash sled impacts so violent that the dummy's arms are ripped from the sockets, so if my comments on rollovers sound flippant, please keep things in perspective.

As Kirk noted, a rollover with a good safety package can be no worse than a theme park ride on steroids. It may scare the hell out of you, but a rollover alone will seldom produce a head and neck injury--cage and seat being adequate.

The problems arise when there is a severe frontal or lateral component involved. The use of head and neck restraints, Isaac or otherwise, have been shown to provide significant protection in frontal impacts. Lateral impacts are another matter.

An Isaac system offers some protection in a lateral impact because one damper works in tension while the other works in compression. It ain't rocket surgery. How much is difficult to quantify because, unlike frontal impacts which can easily be tested on a crash sled, lateral impacts are dependent on seat and harness configurations. Nevertheless, we constantly receive reports from Isaac users about how much "support" they feel in corners, and how they have tossed their horse collars. Other posters here (Vaughan Scott, Adam Richman, et al) have noted severe lateral crashes with their Isaac systems with no head or neck injury.

This is all anecdotal, of course. Stay tuned for some real science.

Sounds like you guys need silver, gold and platinum status in your rollover club memberships. :)
Kirk, sorry to hear that.

I'm not quite eligible for the "GRC" but my co-driver beat me to it. It was a fresh GTI ice racer that we put together a few years ago, first AMEC event of the season. He rolled in first turn traffic but didn't even know it until I showed him the roof damage and the video. All he said was "that 1st lap white-out felt a little bumpy" before the revelation. I think it's an extreme credit to the drivers out there next to him that the car showed no external damage other than the roof!

He was not wearing my Isaac, but was not harmed either.
Here we go again...



Cage construction starts this week.

Originally posted by joeg@Sep 20 2005, 11:10 AM
Why not post some images of the wrecked car?

It just doesn't do anyone any good. I've already shared what we learned from the crash, from a safety standpoint, and pictures of smashed glass and bent sheetmetal just send the wrong message. I'd also prefer that the permanent record show Pablo in better days.

That's just me, though. Crash your car and post all of the pics you want. :P

If the first car was Pablo, what's this car's name?

It varies right now, from Pablito (son of Pablo) to the Bionic Pablo - "We can rebuild him..." It bears on what one considers the "car" part of a race car. It will have a new shell (and therefore a new VIN, so we don't break any ITCS or NC state rules) but to my mind, a shell is just another "part." (That's my rally experience talking there, wherein I understand shells to be not only parts but CONSUMMABLE parts.) :) There's NO question that Pablo's soul will live on, as will his grill, suspension and struts (we hope), safety gear, brakes, steering gear, and a bunch of other low-mileage parts that are AOK after the whack.

We are also doing an engine build this winter and, while we want to be done well in advance of it, we'll be ready for early spring fun - like February.

Sure enough! That was a high point this season, winning ITB at the Summit 12 Hours. I think that's Phil Phillips (of fame) at the wheel, looking at the iridium visor.

Had another conference yesterday with Chris Schimmel at Competition Cages and the new unit is going to be a real showpiece. We'll be 2006 doorbar legal, take advantage of thinner wall tube for secondary triangulation, and it's gonna be tiiiiiieeght, Dawg.
