So you guys that are voting no are saying that the Club should continue to forbid IT cars to run Nationals? That a guy who wants to run Nationals has to buy or build a different car to do so?
Stan, several around here could just change how there car is prepped and run in a different class that has Runoffs participation.
What we hear a great deal when someone questions an IT rule is, "If you want to do that there a re plenty of other classes that you can race in."
That comeback really fits this subject to a capital T.
As far as this overall discussion:
I really think the IT PTB wants it to be more then what it presently is. I think the IT rank and file like it pretty well as is.
In a few posts up above there have been some comments that could be taken as arrogant and carry a little sentiment of "my group of racers are better then your group". That may be true, but what allows all of us to race is the ENTIRE IT group paying entry fees. You know in the IT community (even at ARRC) when things are face to face I never see any of that. At the races just about everybody will bend over backwards and help the fastest or the slowest. Yet on a BB they will make statements that come across totally out of their character. Very rarely does any of this pop up except for discussion on subjects like this, so the idea of changing IT to national is already causing problems.