Question about motor mounts

I think it is fair and appropriate to say that they are being discussed by the ITAC. There are differing viewpoints, so no guarantees, but letters to let your viewpoint be known would be helpful.....
Heck, Ron - I'm gone so there's one less obstacle in your way. Besides, an engine mount allowance request would give the ITAC something to do since they can't change weights anymore. :(

Heck, Ron - I'm gone so there's one less obstacle in your way. Besides, an engine mount allowance request would give the ITAC something to do since they can't change weights anymore. :(


Oh I'm just giving them a hard time. I was once the bright eyed newbie who wanted to change things, but no more. I've been beat down now and I know that changing the washer bottle rule or engine mount rule would surely lead us down the road to Prod and would doom IT forever.

Based on what I read here with the CRB decisions, I'm not too sure where the ITAC stands these days on changing anything. I hope the ITAC continues in the function though and will regain effectiveness. The ITAC fixed IT, they need to be allowed to keep fixing it.
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Did I miss some drama?


Yup. Go get a beer and revisit the longer threads around here. There's been some issues.


For accuracy. ;)

Winner, winner, chicken dinner.

Cliff's notes: CRB said "No" to the ITAC WRT weight changes according to "the process'. Anything that's been classed for more than 5 years is "set" as is. CRB also reserved the right to make changes/adjustments to vehicle weight based on overdog status.
Winner, winner, chicken dinner.

Cliff's notes: CRB said "No" to the ITAC WRT weight changes according to "the process'. Anything that's been classed for more than 5 years is "set" as is. CRB also reserved the right to make changes/adjustments to vehicle weight based on overdog status.

thanks for the Cliffs! any particualr thread i need to look at?

Look up any of the multi-thousand view posts in the "Rules & Reg" sub forum... Help me understand XXXXX, Problem Cars, etc, etc.
Bump. ITAC supported this and the CRB is putting it out for member comment in the next fastrack.

Once that gets here, write your letters folks!
Based on the pages & pages of other posts about ITAC/CRB communication and the Club in general listening to member input we should expect what, a 180 response from what ever the member input is?

I'm glad you got this on their list of things to look at, lets hope rational minds prevail.