New member
I think many people make a big mistake in categorizing a whole class based on a few drivers. If a 10 car field has 1 or 2 questionable moves, then a 30 car SM field will have 3-4 questionable moves. It's a simple math thing - when you add to that some of the factors Lawton correctly points out, the dynamics are slightly different - not to say acceptable - but different.
And I don't thing ANYONE said what happened to Tim is ok. Not at all.
Split starts for 2-3 ITC cars? No way. I am no expert on SS, but I am betting a little more space is needed in order to pull them off safely and consistantly than the 1.5 mile tracks were run on. Plus, think about the start proceedure at NHIS...
Tim, I bet there is someone on here that will dispute that SRF drivers never had issues. They most certainly have. Heck, the biggest field of FV's I have ever seen was at the NARRC Runoffs this past year...I counted 4 TOTALLED cars and 2 more damaged before their run group was over. Numbers count for something.
Having said all that, I must repeat myself. Serge has spearheaded a groundswell to self-police the SM and SSM groups. It seemed to have worked well last year other than a few freak acidents that weren't attributed to any 'copboy' antics.
The size of ITC being what it is, I think it could float into the ITA, IT7, SSB, SSC, T3 NARRC group if you HONESTLY think the SM grouping is keeping cars away. Send a note to the committee. Let's all be part of the solution.
#1: See second sentence in my previous post.
#2: Re; split start: Dave Parker said this:
Yes, the 2005 class grouping of SRX7 and ITC caused me to leave ITC and go to H Production for the 2006 season.
Lots of reasons, but mostly I got tired of idiots beating up my racecar and the Stewards doing nothing about it.
Apparently the same class grouping was alot better in 2006, but I attribute that to the efforts of the drivers rep (John Burkhard) lobbying the Stewards for a "split grid" start and some familiarity of the drivers in the two classes having run together for a year.
For the most part I have found that the DC Region Production guys do not want to hit each other.
Dave Parker
2007 MARRS HP Champion
"Ignore All Confrontations With Common Sense."
Sounds like it is working there. Why not here?
#3: Re. self policing. I certainly hope this is true, but I will believe it when I see it. You see, we missed most of last season (as you pointed out to Ed earlier) You remember why?
Mmmm....Yeah that's right. It was because we had to spend the bulk of last season fixing damage coused by a really STUPID move by a driver in another class at LRP. This driver made a kamikazee move that took out our car, and the 3 top cars running in C that day.
One of them permanently.
John vanDenburgh wrote:
Hey all,
I have been reading this with great interest...and I have been trying not to toss "my 2 cents" in. I dont know how many of you have been in both worlds, ( SM & ITC ) . With my many, ,many , many thanks to my friend Rick, for letting me borrow his car !
I have, in on race weekend, drove my ITC car and a SM , in back to back classes. They are completely different animals as one might expect.
But the thing I have learned, and quickly, is that you want/need to be at the pointy end of the field if you dont want to do/see so highly questionable things happen. BUT with an ITC car running with SM , it puts you in the middle of the pack..Which their of have been incedents , like the one Tim described, in fact, I believe I was also hit that same race by an SM. And I need not to mention I am down one car due to some over zelous driving by an SM driver .... Again sorry Ed for that dreadfull day...
I never understood why they changed the classes up, ITA & ITC was great ! I also would of liked to see ITC run with ITB.
Would I go back into ITC ? No way , not running with SM.
Are all drivers in SM bad ?..
.....Absolutly NOT!! There are some great drivers in that class....!!
My take on it is this , If they refuse to move ITC out of SM... ITC in the N.E will die out....
plain and simple....
-John VanDenburgh
You ever try to walk into Honda and just pick up a new hatch assembly (plus all the glass) for an 80's era car? They don't exactly have the shelves stocked with them. By the time a decent donor car was found, and the car came back from having the frame straightened, it was late summer.
Am I still pissed? Yeah, I am.
You see, I don't see anyone else writing the checks for these things. We don't send out our cars to the prep shops and arrive and drive. We are two people who are both working full time, and then spending time and money out in the shop on our cars. I work shoulder to shoulder with Ed on them. And in this case, we had just gotten this car back from having a new cage put in, and having rewired everything. It was beautiful.
Second race, we have a car that's almost crumpled in an incident that was absolutely avoidable and pointless.
So tell me Andy, who exactly is in charge of the grouping?
Sometimes you say things that make it sound like ITAC is just an advisory commitee.
Then other times you make remarks like you are the decision making process.
Maybe I am a bit behind the Who's Who in NERSCCA, but somehow this decision happens. Please tell me the process used to do it.
Thank you.