Removing interior panels

Actually, I just checked the parts PDF and I can say that, from what I've seen, on an 81-83 (didn't check other years) that part is two seperate parts. So if Marcus's car is like mine ('83), he's in the clear!

Yeah baby.
that setup of the distributor does not utilize the dis. for distributing the high voltage power to the plugs.
it's illegal .

steve saney
it-7 /it-a #34
Hmmm... anyone have a definition of how a distributor "distributes" especially when the cap and rotor are free? >
14.1.4.D.1.e.: Any ignition system which utilizes the original distributor for *spark timing* and *distribution* is permitted. Internal distributor components and distributor cap may be subsitiuted.

The rule spec's you adjust your *lead timing* with the distributor ?

The rule spec's *spark distribution through the distributor cap with the plug wires attached to the cap* ?

GCR Glossary defination of Distributor Cap: "An ignition system distrubitor component which contains the *high voltage distribution contacts* and *means for securing the high voltage wires*." IMHU high voltage wires equals coil & plug wires which SHALL be connected to the distrubitor cap.

Have Fun


Ben, ol buddy I'm trying to support your effort so that you spend munimal $$$ to make/keep your car legal.
Originally posted by Speed Raycer:
Marcus... It's called Direct Fire Ignition. There's plenty of info on it over at in the forums and the legality has been hashed through a little here on a couple of years back...

Thanks Scott,

I saw the legality discussions in my search, but never anything concrete (They were nearly identical to this convrsation unless I missed a thread)
Originally posted by Dick Elliott:
Crash couldn't be much worse than Russ's, and it got fixed. Cell life is only a recommendation by ATL. Pull the foam out and look at it. You'll know when it needs replacement. It'll start falling apart sooner or later. If it has dual pick ups, use both of them into a Moroso "Y" fuel block. Always did this and never had a problem sucking air in the turns. DICK.

Thanks Dick, I have yet to crawl around under the rear of the car. It looks like it has dual Fuel pumps and the cell should have dual pickups. Nico might actually be able to tell us more

Originally posted by Dick Elliott:
Direct fire uses 3 coils doesn't it? Marcus said his car has dual coils. Sure sounds like direct fire though. Don't think 3 coils is legal. Maby the third one is hid under the dash with the NO2 bottle. DICK.
Sorry, It has three total, dual leading, single trailing.

Originally posted by theenico:
I put the fuel cell in that black car in the fall of 2000. jay was a nice guy and a heck of a driver.

Very cool! I understand he was very well regarded. I'm tryign ot build a history for the car, (log book should be here soon) If you have anything else you cna tel lme about it, please shoot me an email, or

Originally posted by Dick Elliott:
MARCUS! Ever talked to these guys? 150+ in a stock body RX-3 in the 1/4. There out in your area.DICK.

Nope, I missed sevenstock8, I think I was racing that weekend....

Would be intereting to see... I'dalso love to see how they stopped it.

Originally posted by ddewhurst:
***In the photo you have the knee bar going across the dash which has had the lower middle part of the dash cut off and removed. Is this legal because of the bar, or is it not legal because, although the bar is there it's only legal to modify it, not get rid of it?***

Ben, I'll do a little guess work on the high roll cage cross bar at the dash. The car is a 1984 or 1985 & by rule we are required to leave the lower portion of the DASH that continues around the shift levrer. If ya order a dash the part around the shift lever is one piece with the dash.

Marcus, is the car with the lower roll cage cross bar at the dash one from the years 1981 through 1983 ?

I wish, both cars are 85's, I built my pro7 with the same understanding/ thought process. Its one peice, therefore illegal to remove.
The ITA car was received in that shape. It won't be much work to add the lower portion back on. It might be ugly, but...

I have a sapre 82 chassis; the dash is two pieces.
A shot of a stock 82 dash, you can see the beltline:

It direct fire all right, if it has three coils. Never seen any proof that direct fire is any better on a dyno.

Originally posted by Marcus Miller:

Sorry, It has three total, dual leading, single trailing.

Yes, 83 and earlier dashes are 2 pieces. Question for group--the rule page lists 79 to 85 rx-7. Ergo cogito zoom, the 79-83 dash can be installed as an assembly in an 84-85 chassis? Ditto other items like 3rd members, strut assemblies, distributers, drive shafts, etc, etc.

the dash does not bolt up directly you'll have to make a bracket for the outer bolts at the windshield ,i think evverything else should fit .struts 3rd member etc.

steve saney
it-7 /it-a #34
Posted by Tak:

***Ergo cogito zoom, the 79-83 dash can be installed as an assembly in an 84-85 chassis?***

Posted by Steve:

***the dash does not bolt up directly you'll have to make a bracket for the outer bolts at the windshield***

Something tells me this is not within the rules to make new brakets to mount the 81/83 dash into the 84/85.

Have Fun


ps: The rearend link attachment to the chassis & the vin number tell the story.
Originally posted by ddewhurst:
GCR Glossary defination of Distributor Cap: "An ignition system distrubitor component which contains the *high voltage distribution contacts* and *means for securing the high voltage wires*." IMHU high voltage wires equals coil & plug wires which SHALL be connected to the distrubitor cap.

[Devils Advocate:] Well, my distributor cap still contains the distribution contacts AND the means for securing the spark plug wires. If the cap is free, then I can use a cap w/o the distribution contacts and plug wires, which means that I can use no cap/rotor at all correct?[/DA]

(I really would like to see a difinitive answer come up at some point)

To further derail my own thread with more rules questions...
Can anyone ID this air cleaner?

Is it legal? I sem to remember a clause about substacks...

and I'm pretty sure this is not legal:

My GCR is a couple hundred miles awy, but IIRC it says (paraphrased) no holes in things that didn't have holes to direct air tothe air cleaner.

IMHO, the air cleaner is fu=ine, it's free, and while there is the "no prohibitid function" rule, it would be a stretch to invoke that here.

THere IS a hole there, IIRC BUT it is plugged! So no joy on the second pic.

And those feet in the above pic should be improved, whether they pass or not.

Jake Gulick
CarriageHouse Motorsports
ITA 57 RX-7
New England Region
[email protected]
Thanks Jake!

Surprisingly, no more rules questions from me today

Its time to reassemble the front bumper/splitter and then take a peek at the rear end of the car.
