That BMW was on the books for a year, it seemed. We did research, called experts. It wasn't easy finding somebody who really knows what the engine is capable of in IT trim. Then it was adjusted and sent to the CRB, and, along with others, it got lost in limbo, as the CRB evidently ruminated on it and other things. When it came out in the wash, we heard, through backchannels that the CRb wasn't happy with the ITAC. Soon there was a "No adjustments decree", and all those limbo cars got rejected.
So, and i know this well, because I was the guy who had to pen the wording of why or what we were doing with them, and trust me, I scratched my head to explain in WHY we were, suddenly, after 5 years of doing this with the active participation and complicit approval of the CRB, we were suddenly stopping. heck, it's hard to explain when you yourself don't get it. And the statement that we were given a "One time" pass, is BS. That's NOT what I was told on con calls. Those were some of my first con calls, and I took notes for my personal use. In fact, we whittled the list down to the most grievous offenders and were told, "Lets make it a reasonable list, get that approved, then see how the cars do, and how the class reacts before we make more changes," That is NOT a description of a one time never to be repeated adjustment.
There was discussion, of the rules, "errors" etc., and the CRB gave us definitions of "errors". And oddly, those definitions changed from one month to another. I remember calling Andy after one call at midnight asking HIM if he knew what our JOB was, and HOW we were to do it.
THEN the CRB came on the call, post "no more adjustments", and said, "Let's look at that list of cars". To which I replied, "I JUST submitted that phrasing for no adjustments, didn't we print that in Fastrack???". Response was no, they decided not to. Then I was asked what the first car on the list was...I protested further, and was told "Jake, do you want to adjust cars or not? lets get to work". (That's a quote)
And that was that.
So, yea, I have notes about rules and such, but I sure have doubts about the definitions due to nebulous and conflicting explanations, and I certainly think there has been some reversals of direction and tone.
I hated resigning. HUGE regret that it came to that place.
My decision to leave came when the head of the CRB, in discussing the process said, "I have no faith in any Process that uses stock horsepower at its core". (That might not be exact, but i can look thru my notes if anyone wishes, it's very close and accurate in it's gist). I was aghast. As in mouth open. I was the ITAC chair on that call, as Andy was traveling, and I was running the meeting, and i remember thinking, "I have to say something", but I couldn't find words. I mean, what the hell have we been doing for FIVE years? We certainly knew that stock power isn't always right, but we build loops in the Process to handle that, and our history is chock full of exceptions where we dealt with incorrect stock ratings, so I was was a statement that basically, put the entire process under doubt, and my follow up questioning confirmed that statement reflected the true thoughts of it's owner. Further, the concept of the "like architecture" got trotted out, and I knew I could not support that, so I was gone, as I felt the cornerstones that we worked so hard and long on had gone out the door.
I wanted no part in that.
Chip, this is for you. I wanted to run with Process v2.0. It's a tremendous piece of work, and is EXACTLY what the category means, and is what the MEMBERS have CLEARLY demanded. I would have been fine with publishing it. More than fine. Over 5 years, it served us well, and we refined it's use and buttoned down some loose ends. And issues with it have yet to really surface.
But, that's behind us now, sadly.
Going forward, any hope of getting IT run in a manner that the members have clearly demanded is going to need two things to happen:
1- the CRB will need to open up to the members and accept their wants and desires. (big picture)...I've mentioned that in con calls, online in discussions with direct replies by CRB members, yet it's never been answered....I think they really need to come to grips with this aspect.
2- The ITCS needs to be rewritten to allow the proper operation of the category.