Round 3 - Driving Impressions Pro-IT

I wonder if considering excluding anyone who is running the National AND the Pro IT first - to allow just Pro ITers to fill as much as they can - and then adding 'National' SM's on a first-registered basis is the right way to fill the grid.
Wow! 43 cars!

Will we be able to check in Friday AM and tech?

Chris, and everyone else,
I have no problem doing Friday morning tech for Pro-IT drivers. Once Qualifying starts things get a little busy as I plan on pulling in groups during the day. If we are not doing anything feel free to get the tech done. I also have no problem doing tech Friday after racing ends for the day. I would much rather do the tech on Friday than on Saturday.
Hey! I have a family member partially wheel chair bound and am in need of a cart for Saturday! I just was dropped a line from the carting company that there aren’t enough rentals to make it worth it for them.

If you were going to get a cart, make the call!
Chris, and everyone else,
I have no problem doing Friday morning tech for Pro-IT drivers. Once Qualifying starts things get a little busy as I plan on pulling in groups during the day. If we are not doing anything feel free to get the tech done. I also have no problem doing tech Friday after racing ends for the day. I would much rather do the tech on Friday than on Saturday.

Thanks Bill!
Is anyone registered that isn't going? I'm first on the wait list. I'm not going to tow out there on the chance that someone no-shows.

Any idea what it takes to get a waiver to increase the field from 38?

-Eli Garrett
#67 ITB
Thanks for those who withdrew. I got a call and I am in!

Sorry to see Rick drop out of ITB. We need more ITB cars.



We do need more ITB cars, I want a bigger check ;)

Eli, is this the first return to the track for you guys since the big accident with the ITE(?) car?

New engines started up over the weekend in both Audi's!!! Hoping for no issues and a great, fun race!!!

See you at the NARRC Runoffs there tough guy. :cool:

Is that a Pro IT race weekend??? Nope I didn't think so, if you want to compete with me your going to have to race a ProIT race!!! lol

Hope all is well with you Dave, if you go to Lime Rock this weekend to watch, be sure to stop over!

Hey Fellas – the cart rental place is on the fence about fulfilling any of the cart rentals. They need only two more rentals to sway them. If you thinking about it, please make the call of the rest of us can get a cart! 860-875-0309 ask for Denise.
We will have a full 38 cars from what I'm told from Terry and Terry. Going to be a fun race.

Is anyone arriving at LRP on Friday night? Bill E. wants to know for tech and we need to arrange for Registration, I'll double check with Terry.

Plan on a Saturday AM drivers meeting with Terry H. and Bob Z.

We get 15 minutes of qualifying so we need to use that safely. The worker lunch break is after our qualifying so we are on a tight schedule. I'm sure Terry H. will talk to us about being gentlemen on the track.

[email protected]
973-220-1007 (cell)
Last I heard there still was one. Contact Terry Roberts, she is the Registrar and has the latest information. Good luck! The track was fun on Tuesday. Can't wait till Saturday!