Boy, do some people get testy when another OPINION gets voiced!
Bill Miller, I have no clue who you are either, but your "walk thru the paddock so you can find cars to protest" quote is priceless! When you don't have a logical, intelligent argument to present, lets try to attack the others with (lame) attempts to make him look bad. I personally used to love it when people protested me, so I could prove them wrong (you could ask Fowler from OPM, or Stu from BSI about those days.. hell, back then people from Denver would come and do random checks on the top four in each class..Funny how about 60% of us ALWAYS passed thru the teardowns, while many an illegal part went home to Denver). So, to respond to your comment about several cars with the same plate set up, please see my comment about "just because everyone else is doing it, does not make it legal!!" So yes, I would spend my $25 to see what Topeka has to say about it. We can all take words out of context to try to prove our point.
Jake, my apologies for calling you an "official". I just knew that there was more going on than I was aware of, and didn't want this discussion, to get personal. The bottom line for me as the rule is written, is that you are only allowed to remove enough material as to "facillitate the installation of the camber plates.. conversely, you are only allowed to "add" material to fascillitate the installation also, (IE add a tab so the bolt holes line up). The example shown was way beyond how the rule is written in its present form.
I've made my last points, but I'll monitor this thread for the humor and sarcasm factors.
Again there are more personal issues going on here that I know (or care to know about) , so I don't want to get dragged into.
I haven't taken any of this personally, just stated my opinion, but if you want to make it personal, feel free to PM me.. I'm not hard to find.
Evan, how was Sebring last weekend..Good turnout??
Mark Larson
CFR Member #164010