As Andy mentioned, I believe I've found a solution to the inconspicuous flag station 2.
I did a little exploring on Saturday and discovered an ideal relocation for the "I never noticed the flag" flagging station 2 which presently is located in turn 2, dirver's left.
The new location will be to the other side of the track, driver's right, behind the catch fence, oposite of the present location. The fence at that point has an opening for photographers and an exellent view of the chican and all the way to station 3.
I plan on using the new location for all future events, both NASCAR 1 & 2 and the chicane. It's going to be nearly impossible to miss the flag station comming out of the chicane since it's directly ahead of the drivers as they exit the chicane and very visible from the oval since the flags will be sticking out through the fence.
Therefore, with this new and very visible relocation, we will have at least one double weekend using the south chicane.
Serge Lentz
NER CRB Chairman