SCCA Expenses

This is sort of a "tweener"...

By that I mean that I'm uncharacteristically undecided. I think SportsCar is a big expense but my own personal situation makes me think twice. I've gone through periods of inactivity due to business and the only way to keep abreast/involved is done through receiving my SportsCar Magazine. Not sure that applies if you could get it electronically though.

I think that this is probably not an uncommon deal. There are plenty of "inactive" members out there that pay their annual dues just to have their membership and GET SportsCar. If that's the deal then maybe the BoD feels getting rid of it would put those that pay memberships but don't participate, into a lapse mode. I do know the BoD is obsessed with membership. Would I have forgone my membership without SportsCar in those periods where I was too busy to participate directly? Yea... I think I probably would have. Seems silly but getting the publication somehow meant something.

I think the solution is an electronic version. That would be good enough for me. Not sure about others.
I was looking at Road & Track magazine's circulation numbers. 720,000 paid circulation...not bad! :D One stat they provide threw me off a bit - average readers per printed copy is 7.69. That brings the total readers to over 5 million people. At first I disbelieved that number, but gave it more thought as to how that could be true. Maybe we as members (myself included!) need to help by putting the Sports Car magazine somewhere others could read it after we are done with the magazine. [/b]

You mean my bathroom isn't a high enough traffic zone???


(I'd think that there have to be better things to dump than the mag. It's not exactly "deep" reporting, but it's fine. I'd hate to see it go.)
Well, my industrial spy network has informed me that everyone will be getting ANOTHER membership card in the mail in a month or two.

This time, it will have a barcode on the back that can be scanned to track what you are doing. (e.g. driving, crew, worker, etc.)

Big Brother is getting closer and closer.
That would be interesting considering that very few regions are set up with a bar code reader. Now, having bar codes would make it more attractive for regions to add that functionality to speed up registration, but I don't see why we would need to suddenly replace everyone's card. Let the normal renewal proces do that. Unless there is some immediate program set up to handle barcodes but I can't think what that would be.