Contingencies pay to the few, while a spec tire that has a controlled price, and a longer life, benefits all.[/b]
God I despise socialism. Or is that Marxist and kind of sounds like "Capitalism benefits the few, while communism benefits all. It really doesn't matter as history has shown it does not work.
That's say the least! How is that even close to the other examples??? If the tire is the same for everybody, and the chassis and motor the same, how can the cream not rise??
In my opinion the “cream” is track records. With a spec tire that is a “couple of seconds slower” I don’t see any cream rising. You might get buttermilk at best.
How is a spec tire equivilent to a welfare state?? Are you being taxed to pay for someones tires?
The list was offered as examples of how some of us are forced to accept less to aid those who, for one reason or another, can not keep up on the great road course of life.
Spec tires force me to turn slower lap times. Maybe it’s just me but going slower seems to go against the concept of racing.
Dumbing down the curriculum forces me to accept seeking out and paying for private schools for my children.
The welfare state forces me to accept taking care of someone else at the expense of my family.
15% payroll taxes, same thing.
Drunk drivers and tough DUI laws forces me to accept having only 1 and some fraction of my favorite libation and hoping I did my math right before I even think about driving home.
If some of us can’t keep from killing others the next thing you know they will revoke the 2nd amendment.
Get the picture.
I do not like to be forced to accept less than what I can get on my own. Although I offer to help on a regular basis, I very rarely ask for help so I get a little resentful when I am forced to so. Spec tire forces me to help with someone else’s racing budget. Not by paying an actual tax but being forced to accept less.
I have very little actual on track experience and am cursed with having higher ambitions that some others and but damn it I want a track record some day and tires that "are a couple of seconds slower, but they last longer" ain't gonna get it.