Seeking the opinion of the A-Team…

Originally posted by JIgou:
OK, someone help me with the approach I need when I take this to team management....

"Honey, here's the deal....if I have a big crash right now with my Isaac on, I'll have to pay 25% of retail cost to get it replaced. BUT, if I add this $2500 data system, I can get it replaced for FREE!"

Sounds good to me Jarrod. Go for it!

<font face=\"Verdana, Arial\" size=\"2\">Gregg, does video from the roof of the car count, or are you looking for in-car where you can see the driver flailing about?</font>

Oooh. Good point. We'll have to think about that. Both are valuable.

"Flailing about"? We're talking crashes here Jarrod, not driving technique.

Gregg Baker, P.E.
Isaac, LLC
Originally posted by gsbaker:
Keep in mind that all manufacturers presently have a very rigid policy: You abuse it, tough. You gotta buy a new one.

Abuse in this case being "use for intended purpose" and again you can not tell me when it is no longer safe to use.
I don't think it's a matter of him telling you that it is no longer safe to use. That can be done. However, the expense to do so outweighs the cost to just buy a new one. With NDE testing, that is not uncommon.

Planet 6 Racing
bill (at) planet6racing (dot) com
"Honey, here's the deal....if I have a big crash right now with my Isaac on, I'll have to pay 25% of retail cost to get it replaced. BUT, if I add this $2500 data system, I can get it replaced for FREE!"

Any discount for replacement after the wife smacks you upside the head (ISAAC device on, of course)?
Originally posted by dickita15:
Abuse in this case being "use for intended purpose" and again you can not tell me when it is no longer safe to use.

No manufacturer can tell you when it is safe to use unless they do one of two things:

1) Look at the force of the impact. If you hit with an impact of 100Gs or greater you have probably cracked something. (BTW, this is exactly the impact limit for a HANS device, i.e. it is recommended that a HANS device be retired if it sees impacts of 100Gs+.) In this case you guys can't tell us the loads.

2) Take everything apart. Perform a dimensional check. Send everything out for magnafluxing. If it's bad, throw it away; if it's good reassemble it. In this case it's too much trouble/money/hassle.

Gregg Baker, P.E.
Isaac, LLC
Originally posted by erlrich:
ARE YOU NUTS?!?!?! Do you know what this is going to do to your bottom line?

You do realize he make SAFETY stuff for RACE CAR DRIVERS, right? I think nuts is not only a foregone conclusion, it's a requirement...

Oh, and Jake-
<font face=\"Verdana, Arial\" size=\"2\">Above and beyond the \"nuts\" comments, (and those, like me, who have spent a little time with Gregg can attest to his \"nuts\" condition....), </font>

I don't want to tell you the first thought I had when I read that phrase... but I still don't want to know the condition of his nuts...

Matt Green
"Ain't nothin' improved about Improved Touring..."
LOL... taking another perspective, maybe you should perhaps make it clear in no uncertain terms when purchasing the ISAAC that it's not intended to be reusable (common sense, but hey, we're racers here)... and then, in return for replacing the ISAAC after crashing, perhaps it's even more appropriate for you to give discounts to some driving school, given the number of drivers crashing???

More seriously, since I do have video (which sometimes even works, though never when it counts) and now data as well - what range are we talking here for g-logging? IIRC the range of my g-sensors is no more than +/-20g. Would this even be useful for serious impacts?

Vaughan Scott
Detroit Region #280052
'79 924 #77 ITB/GTS1

The recorders we run across have typically maxed out at 5-10Gs. These get pegged easily so the initial reaction to your question would be no, the CDRs would be of little value--although 20Gs is interesting because you are approaching the injury level. However, we get some good feedback from drivers who have small jolts and report that they can feel the damper reaction.

Velocity data is valuable.

Gregg Baker, P.E.
Isaac, LLC

[edit: feel, not feed.]

[This message has been edited by gsbaker (edited March 05, 2005).]
I am not completely familiar with the unit, but when people talk about 'fatigue', you and I know that the loads that effect fatigue have a cycle count of 1. I would hope that most of the static parts in the system have a pretty high safety factor - so if there is any plastic deformation, replace that component; if there isn't, I can't imagine there are any reasons the parts can't be reused.
Based on that argument, I would offer 'inspect and refurbish' - which means new dampers, and inspection of all static parts. Cracks should not be an issue after 1 cycle. If they were, then I'd be concerned with your material choice !!!

Dave Youngren
Originally posted by dyoungre:
Based on that argument, I would offer 'inspect and refurbish' - which means new dampers, and inspection of all static parts. Cracks should not be an issue after 1 cycle. If they were, then I'd be concerned with your material choice !!!

Seems like too much risk given the current state of our legal system. Hell, just making these devices seems like too much risk to me.