I stole this from a corvette BB someone sent me a link to:
Well, I don't have a great report on Lime Rock, unfortunately.
Skippy would not let us on the track on Friday. He wanted to give it more time to "cure", so he threw us off and let his Skippy School use the track.
Saturday was very wet in the morning, and it had poured overnight. Apparently, the wetness from the prior week coupled with the heavy rain overnight Friday into Saturday morning undermined the new section of uphill at the end of No Name. So instead of the new twisty uphill, we ran the old uphill line, which is much better now that it is paved and the curvature of the lip has been smoothed out to minimize cars going airborne.
The worst of the new improvement, IMHO, is the new chicane in West Bend. You run down the back straight, slam on your brakes down to nothing, make an almost 180 degree right hander, into an immediate left hander. Almost no way to avoid the jarring rumble strips, and in the wet many cars were slipping and sliding all over the place. Speeds onto the front straight are considerably reduced, as you can't get much speed up going down the downhill after those turns. But I guess that was the idea.
There is now plenty of run-out if you miss the downhill turn, but with the chicane at the top, unlikely that will be much of a problem anymore for most folks. The new entrance to pit lane has not been built yet, so it's still the old entrance. And Big Bend, the Esses and No Name are pretty much the same as before. With all that work, there is still huge amounts of water ponding in the Esses and on No Name, plus a river running across mid-No Name from all the run-off from the hill. They must have employed an absolutely brilliant landscape architect/track designer to design all of this to preserve those horrid flaws. Oh well.
In the bargain, I couldn't take the Corvette (Skippy didn't want any "high horsepower" cars on his new track before ALMS). I'll be back there in two weeks with the Ferrari club for a two day event. Will be running the Corvette then. Hopefully, I can get some in-car video then