Now, the initial cost was cheap. $75 for the stickers on the doors. Then I put the car in the tire wall. Ka-ching...$75 more. Then an Integra hit me the door...ka-ching..$ see where this is the time I ended up paying for the darn stickers, I might as well have payed full price on my Brakeclean and other parts, LOL.
Jake see tip # 4 below... We found a sponsor for free vinyl, however then we had to wait long periods of time for vinyl and it was never exactly what we wanted... so we went out and got prices for our own. it is suprisingly inexpensive.
ok everyone else...
I havn't stayed with this topic much, but tonight I had a free minute to catch up on some reading... this post has been ummm interesting...
We have had some great success with sponsorships in the past due to many reasons mentioned above. We have also found a lack of need for some sponsors who are willing to help... r
Tip # 1: Realize not everone can offer you something you want or need and/or they can't meet your needs (bodyshops come to mind in reguard to time). If they can't or don't meet requirements that work for you then don't give free advertizing.
Tip # 2: How many race cars have free advertizing on them??? Just about every car does, and I never understand that. I can say that our cars do not have 1 free sticker on them... We recieve something from every person/company that is displayed on our cars, and no its not the 10% discount that every other racer gets. Just cause you get a free sticker in the box from the store doesn't mean it goes on the car...
Tip # 3: It is hard to find someone who can really use a club racer, but you would be suprised. I can't even think of how many Audi/VW people we have sent to over the past 6 years and I would imagine he also shows us off a bit in the Audi world, as I know he has several of our pictures up in his shop. My point, find the nich (common interests) you realy fit into and go after that market. Show how you can and do help and keep a constant reminder of how you are doing that.
Tip # 4: If you don't have anything to offer at least get a vinyl machine or find a good friend with one. A deterant for sponsors is needed to supply decals. Stickers cost big money before they see any returns at all. If you can offer free decals on the race car that implies some sort of expence/risk on your part. Also if you have the machine you can print off a couple extras for them, wich may/may not be something they wnat for a company vehicle. Vinyl is expensive to purchase because it is time consuming to prep, NOT because the material, machines, or software are expensive.
Tip # 5: Our week point, follow up with results and pictures
Tip # 6: Have a great mom who puts in a lot of effort to try and help... crap did I just say something nice to my mom on a public forum....
Raymond "

" Blethen