I hate to post this, but here goes
Everybody wants to do strategic planning. But the first question should always be "what is the vision"? What do you see in 5, 10, 15 yrs for IT? What do you
WANT IT to look like in 2022?
If you see 40 yr old cars (my RX7 will only be 38 yrs old then) at the end of that vision running around a track trying to keep up with the technology of 2015 then might I suggest we turn to the prod forum for answers?
If, on the other hand, the vision for IT is a class full of cars that reflect the interests of the membership, that are raced with
minimal modifications, and that represent a full value of fun for the dollar invested, then maybe some radical thinking might be in order.
If you are willing to think about the class not as it is, but as it could be then how about making the first rule change to be this:
Improved Touring classes are intended to provide the membership with the opportunity to compete in low cost cars with limited modifications, suitable for racing competition. To that end, cars will be models, as offered for sale in the United States. They will be prepared to manufacturer’s specifications except for modifications permitted by these rules.
Cars from the previous four (4) model years and the current model year will not be eligible.
No car older than a 1968 model of any listed vehicle will be accepted for Improved Touring competition. Turbocharged/Supercharged cars are not eligible for Improved Touring competition. Cars need not be eligible for state license or registration.
Improved Touring classes are intended to provide the membership with the opportunity to compete in low cost cars with limited modifications, suitable for racing competition. To that end, cars will be models, as offered for sale in the United States. They will be prepared to manufacturer’s specifications except for modifications permitted by these rules.
Cars from the previous four (4) model years and the current model year will not be eligible.
Cars more than 25 model years old will not be accepted for Improved Touring competition. Turbocharged/Supercharged cars are not eligible for Improved Touring competition. Cars need not be eligible for state license or registration.
I know this would obsolete cars that people have a lot of development money in. And cars that people have a special attaction to. Hell, it would eliminate my car in 2 yrs. But I don't know if the category can survive long term if there isn't a way found to make the cars we do race closer to cars we drive.
The question isn't the competitiveness of a single type of car or even a class. The real question is what sort of changes (if any) are needed to help IT continue to be a viable part of the SCCA race program. And the time to ask and answer that question is now. Not when we are busy looking for other old race cars from other classes we can add to our dwindling numbers.
flame on