dave parker
New member
Originally posted by theracinglawyer@Sep 10 2005, 08:53 AM
"The thing to remember is that we are all human and make mistakes. We are also all members of the same club and we need to treat our fellow members with respect and courtesy no matter how wrong or ignorant they may seem at the time"
Well said
Dave Parker, we need to keep saying this to ourselfs and all our friends in racing as it will make the sport that much more enjoyable.
Thanks. It is not often that little gems like that come from me. But sometimes even the town idiot has something topical to say. I do honestly believe that statement is the way we should treat ALL of our fellow club members.
As I have said to another regular on this forum "Anything I will say in public I have already said to your face in private."
Thanks for coming by the store,too. It was good seeing both you and Mark.
"dangerous" dave parker
wdcr ITC#97