Even Dave agrees
I guess it's just the safety worker in me that wants to keep the car between me and the rest of the track. I have had a car chase me out of a gravel trap once during a hot pull (I gave him back the gravel he placed in my pocket), it's no fun. Brian had his back to traffic and would have never seen the car he was about to become a hood ornament for.
When I mentioned rule #1 above, part of that is to keep something heavy between you and traffic.
Just a suggestion..
WDCR got the results up on MyLaps at http://mylaps.com/results/newResults.jsp?i...81&highlight=26 if you are interested in seeing them...
Now K the only question is who was driving on lap 147?[/b]
This issue has been raised with WDCR T&S in the past but MyLaps doesn't provide proper reporting to National according to our T&S Chief who (as James points out) prefers a DOS-based program b/c it meets the "letter of the law". This is the same reason why they resisted Orbitz and Chronx b/c neither program properly recorded data according to the GCR.
I wonder if this is an GCR oversight (outdated language that has not been changed) or if every other region is using an "illegal" T&S system. It would be interesting to protest EVERY SCCA REGION except WDCR b/c their results aren't in the proper format - can you imagine the firestorm? h34r:
Just follow the General Li - if you can't go thru 3 faster, at least you can do it "drift style"
Mylaps is only a data source for driver info, not official race results. It does not claim to be the official race result place. that would be on either a divisional, regional or ntl web. Ntl is on discussion and then club racing.Any hints as to why the MyLaps (read AM system doesn't produce the right results?
Think it is time for me to try and through my weight around.Datadude your preaching to the choir here. However, if you ever have a discussion with our T&S Chief you will learn all that you have said is wrong. Believe me, its been asked, its why many of us just smile and knod.
PS- This has nothing to do with your response being incorrect, but in the eyes of T&S you are.
Jeff "Sierra Hotel" Lawton!
Jeff "Sierra Hotel" Lawton!
We told Jeff "Cole Trickle" Lawton that he had a special set of tires on the car and he could do anything he wanted with them.......hence lap 147......
Way to go Cole...
Bottom line is Jeff was fastest. What would happen if Jeff took the NX2000 for a ride? I wonder.....
Way to stir the pot Jeremy!! <_<
Those tires were good Phil!! But you'tr tellin' me they were'nt special??
...What would happen if Jeff took the NX2000 for a ride? I wonder...[/b]
Daaaamn, Jeremy...looking to cause trouble? Hey, Jeff's a good driver, no doubtaboutit. Glad to have him as a friend and a co-driver in the enduros, not a competitor!
But...ask Jeff how many other times we've driven together and how those came out...or how about if Greg took the Saturn out for a spin...?
But...ask Jeff how many other times we've driven together and how those came out...[/b]
Is it better to be consistently slow or inconsistently fast??
Ummm, just once??[/b]
...knows that he will pay for the comments at some future point!!)[/b]