Team DI Pro IT at Summit Point

I can confirm that Round 4 of the Pro IT series scheduled at Summit Point this weekend has been canceled.

The low number of entries and combined with the prospect of keeping the race staff on duty for another hour at the end of Sunday led to this decision.

I won't be so harsh as to blame Ben for this decision ... but he could have asked Darrell to take his car to Summit and race it for him.

The JRB will meet in the near future to determine whether this round will be replaced or abandoned.

Well, people took off work, paid for hotels and drove for hours only to find out that the race was cancelled. I understand the reasons behind this decision but a bit more consideration would have been appropriate. Like canceling the race earlier or even perhaps warning competitors that this was a distinct possibility. This does not speak well of the series.

I can confirm that Round 4 of the Pro IT series scheduled at Summit Point this weekend has been canceled.

The low number of entries and combined with the prospect of keeping the race staff on duty for another hour at the end of Sunday led to this decision.

I won't be so harsh as to blame Ben for this decision ... but he could have asked Darrell to take his car to Summit and race it for him.

The JRB will meet in the near future to determine whether this round will be replaced or abandoned.

Well, people took off work, paid for hotels and drove for hours only to find out that the race was cancelled. I understand the reasons behind this decision but a bit more consideration would have been appropriate. Like canceling the race earlier or even perhaps warning competitors that this was a distinct possibility. This does not speak well of the series.

Thanks for summing that up for me Anthony. Left for home this AM at 8....just got in. Summit Point is a great track.....would have loved to race it. Thanks MUCH to Chuck Allard, Chuck Dehaven, Marshall Lytle and Dave Hogg for helping me go pretty fast at a new track. Cancelling the race because guys bailed was POOR. I won't say too much because I have NOTHING AT ALL good to say but suffice it to say the Pro-IT series is not what Ithought it was. I am out $$$$$$$. Thanks to all..................maybe we'll see ya at the Glen....if it is still a go....I guess we'll only know that a day or two before.

Pro-it at WGI

Doc, Last I looked at Summit Pro-it the entrys were very low. Unfortunately We had to "Bail" because of work requirements. Presently the Pro-it at WGI shows 23 entrys and with the race schedulled for first out Sunday AM that should help. T Weaver :eclipsee_steering:
Seems like someone should have cancelled the event X amount of days before when the entry count wasn't high enough.
I had to cancel due to car problems that cropped up during a test session. It would have been a saftey hazard.
Sorry to hear this guys. :~(

Doc, why didn't you stay and run the regional?
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Run group 7, with big bore, no dog in the fight for MARRS points, more $$, only 2 cars registered, get home early enough to have a Sunday, etc, etc, etc....


Wow only 2 cars for the regional! Can't say I blame you. I actually stopped running at Summit because they were running ITR in with big bore, which includes AS. I remember running with AS awhile ago and they were using me for a brake and the bottom of the shute because they couldn't stop! So I said they hell with them and I won't go back unless ITR is out of big bore.
yeah, they had sings up at registration that said something along the lins of "Pro IT race cancelled-talk to Terry" I feel bad for you guys, but for the ones who came down, why didn't you still run the regional? (assuming you get your $$$ back from the Pro-IT) I understand why Doc Didn't, he was talking to my friends about his situation when I was bleeding brakes. But for the ITS guys, there is some pretty good battles and a good amount of entries.

Wow only 2 cars for the regional! Can't say I blame you. I actually stopped running at Summit because they were running ITR in with big bore, which includes AS. I remember running with AS awhile ago and they were using me for a brake and the bottom of the shute because they couldn't stop! So I said they hell with them and I won't go back unless ITR is out of big bore.

I ran the regional and I agree 100%. It makes no sense to have ITR in big bore. The speed differential with the faster GT1 and SPO cars is staggering. On the other hand AS cars are fast in the straight but hold up ITR cars in the corners. I think that MARRS ITR regulars should try very forcefully to get this situation corrected and not let petty politics force them out of a great series.
I ran the regional and I agree 100%. It makes no sense to have ITR in big bore. The speed differential with the faster GT1 and SPO cars is staggering. On the other hand AS cars are fast in the straight but hold up ITR cars in the corners. I think that MARRS ITR regulars should try very forcefully to get this situation corrected and not let petty politics force them out of a great series.

ITR/ITS - Big Bore is the worst possible combination. I've done it and I will never drive in that combination again.
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For MARRS 6 at NJMP on Lightning ITR will be in with the group that has ITB, ITR, ITS & STU. The NARRC / MARRS 8 on Thunderbolt will have the same group.

Of course the Pro IT Series races at WGI and NJMP will have the usual group.
I agree and we ended up running the restrictor and moving to ITS in the E36 because it was to dangerous running an ITR rookie in big-bore. I believe at the time the decison was made there was only (1) car running in ITR. :shrug:
STU shouldn't be a problem. As long as there are not many of them. A good STU & driver should walk away from everyone, otherwise you will be battling for position in mid pack.
Combining those classes eliminates double dip potential, though, right? Although it seems Miatea are the main dippers....