Andy Bettencourt
Super Moderator
But what I'm hearing, Helen, is "hear me roar in numbers too big to ignore"; problem is, the breast-beating will resolve nothing over the next two weeks.
Then I am not presenting it well enough. It's not about ME or YOU, or anyone on the entry list already because we are in. It's about a Region realizing that they have paying customers at the door - and with a simple and reasonable decision, they could accomodate more racers and realize more revenue with such very little pain.
To Ben's point: Organizers have been struggling with reveue at Lime Rock for years now. An additional pool of revenue is there for the taking, I hope they take it. Sometimes you need an obvious situation like this to kickstart long-term strategic thinking (like maybe more condensed National Run Groups with a restricted regional).
(edit) OK, we can stop talking about this issue now. Both groups are up to 7 each. LOL
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