Pro IT Race - Lime Rock - May 15

But what I'm hearing, Helen, is "hear me roar in numbers too big to ignore"; problem is, the breast-beating will resolve nothing over the next two weeks.


Then I am not presenting it well enough. It's not about ME or YOU, or anyone on the entry list already because we are in. It's about a Region realizing that they have paying customers at the door - and with a simple and reasonable decision, they could accomodate more racers and realize more revenue with such very little pain.

To Ben's point: Organizers have been struggling with reveue at Lime Rock for years now. An additional pool of revenue is there for the taking, I hope they take it. Sometimes you need an obvious situation like this to kickstart long-term strategic thinking (like maybe more condensed National Run Groups with a restricted regional).

(edit) OK, we can stop talking about this issue now. Both groups are up to 7 each. LOL
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its almost a joke, Are the people who run this qualified? Almost a catch 22. the less entries we get the more we have to raise the fee, and in return we get less entries.

I am thinking it should be all regional weekends with a few "restricted National" classes.

Who cares who wins the runoffs in the majority of the classes, there no competition.
its almost a joke, Are the people who run this qualified?

They are Kev. AND they try really hard. But what I will agree with Greg on is that this change, however simple it may seem to us, goes against history and what people 'expect'.

Nothing a well spoken Drivers Meeting can't fix however. :)
They are Kev. AND they try really hard. But what I will agree with Greg on is that this change, however simple it may seem to us, goes against history and what people 'expect'.

Nothing a well spoken Drivers Meeting can't fix however. :)

Qualified? Well that is a loose term....

Here is what I would say. They are volunteers who try very hard, have various backgrounds and are not neccessarily people who know how to run companies. The decisions they make would not be the same if it were their money on the line.

I will leave it at that.
I can't wait to watch the STU race - if I didn't need tires I'd be entered in that one too.

WHO WILL WIN? Some pretty stout competitors there. Gorarian, Bettencourt, Amy - no Phil Parlato registered so it's wide open folks!!!
Won't be me. I'm just out there to get a finish and develop/tune a new car. We'll probably use the 45-minute race as a tuning session, come in for tire temps and stuff like that.

I have two goals this year: replace my buddy's Integra that I destroyed two years ago, and simply qualify for the Runoffs so I can run Road America before I die. Everything after that is just pissing away good money. If it wasn't a National race I wouldn't even be there.

The **LAST** thing I want to do is get all tangled up with more Miatas. - GA
I feel for the organizers, they have to piss off's impossible to make everybody happy. And the exorbitant fees Lime Rock is charging makes the job even harder.

Bottom line though, is the bottom line. The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few.
I feel for the organizers, they have to piss off's impossible to make everybody happy. And the exorbitant fees Lime Rock is charging makes the job even harder.

Bottom line though, is the bottom line. The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few.

And again, it's not really about the guys on the waiting list for me. It's about the host region having an opportunity to garner the revenue they have been begging for for the last half-decade at LRP...for the cost of combining 2 woefully undersubscibed groups.
Maybe I should start another thread?
Looking into the future, what do you all think will make for the best event at LRP?
Regional, Friday qual and Saturday Races?
Friday test and tune, Saturday qual and races?
Friday am T&T, pm Qual, Saturday Races
Add Pro IT to a regional, how and not screw non Pro IT racers?
National, are required to have (2) twenty min. quals and 45 min. races
What about a double National, three days over a holiday weekend(Fri., Sat and Mon.)
I believe it should be a double, Friday qual-race and the Sat Qual-Race. We should be able to sign up for a choice of both days or just one. Many people can not race on Friday, work, kids, etc. That why some poeple can still come for Saturday only.

In the past LRP has never been a good deal and is only getting worse. Very little track time for alot of money. reverse the trend..
Thanks for the opportunity to chime in Jerry. Double qual on Friday (morning and afternoon) and double race on Saturday.

Kev - no racing on Fridays at LRP.
Two races on Saturday may be difficult because of the later start time at LRP.
We'll have to look at a timeline and see if it's doable.

Not sure about the qual. race on Friday, my gut feeling is no but it won't hurt to ask.

What about regular races on Staurday sandwiched between Pro IT qual and race?
Or Pro IT Qual on Friday and their race on Saturday.
No racing on Friday, but we can qual.that makes no sense. cars are just as loud whether in Qual or race session. Can we crash on friday? or is that only allowed on Saturday.
LRP rules are such a hassle it should be cheaper to race there. Other then the Pancakes I would not miss LRP if the dates went to another track.... Monticello would be nice. the full 4 mile track is a real pleasure to race on.
No racing on Friday, but we can qual.that makes no sense. cars are just as loud whether in Qual or race session. Can we crash on friday? or is that only allowed on Saturday.
LRP rules are such a hassle it should be cheaper to race there. Other then the Pancakes I would not miss LRP if the dates went to another track.... Monticello would be nice. the full 4 mile track is a real pleasure to race on.

really? I thought it was a club track with no racing?

yes, the rules at LRP are nonsensical in some views. Late starts, early finishes, no "racing' on anything but Sat, and a short track. Not to mention the highest rates per mile of any track in the country, which is why NER is working so hard to have another track in the area with a degree of control.
Jerry, good of you to ask. Personally, I would rather race more often then for longer. So Andy's idea is my choice. Qualify Fri AM, Qualify race on Fri afternoon, then 2 races Sat. They don't have to be long. Spectators like the starts. ;)
Make it a true restricted regional, and no Pro IT. Short qual., and relatively short races.

Another idea. NO typical qualifying session. Draw starting positions from a hat, and make it a qualifying race where total average lap time decides starting position for the afternoon race. Maybe start groups with each others respective classes. Meaning, all ITS cars would be put in front of all ITB cars. Similar with other groups.